Zucchini dietary vegetable
Zucchini dietary vegetable against diabetes, arthritis and high cholesterol.

Zucchini dietary vegetable against diabetes, arthritis and high cholesterol. Courgettes are tasty and dietary vegetable, rich in mineral salts and useful items. Containing potassium and phosphorus, calcium, magnesium, manganese, iron, copper, sulfur and chlorine, and also trace elements molybdenum, titanium, lithium and zinc.

Contain low levels of organic acids, so it is recommended for clinical nutrition of suffering from kidney disease. Zucchini dietary vegetable rich in carotene (provitamin A) and some vitamins B. Since they have very few calories, are excellent food for people suffering from obesity. They help the body to get rid of and toxins, accelerate metabolism and removal of excess weight. They are also useful against fluid retention.

Zucchini dietary vegetable helps prevent many human diseases
Zucchini dietary vegetable helps prevent many human diseases

Because the content of pectin, stimulate digestion and keep from constipation. Another property of courgettes is to lower blood glucose levels. Therefore recommended for diabetes. Vegetable reduce bad cholesterol, bile helps normalize the liver by restoring glycogen levels in it. Has an excellent treatment of arthritis and rheumatism.

Help deal with insomnia and soothe the nervous system. Tend to increase the powers of the body deal with inflammation and free radicals. Courgettes are excellent for people suffering from cardiovascular diseases. Contain potassium, which supports heart, download and high blood pressure.

Because of copper, courgettes are recommended for pregnant women and children against anemia. Vegetable has anti-allergic properties.