Breakfast according to your yoga instructors
The most effective methods of driving stress, tension and anxiety, but besides exercise, we have to adapt our body to diet and diet.

Your breakfast according to yoga instructors is one of the most effective methods of driving stress, tension and anxiety, but besides exercise, we have to adapt our body to diet and diet. Professional yoga instructors recommend that after one exercise session you can eat foods that are rich in protein and complex carbohydrates because they keep your body in balance. Proteins you can get from eggs, yoghurt, nuts and olive oil.

Fruits, starchy vegetables such as sweet potatoes, whole grains, beans, peas, lentils are great sources of complex carbohydrates. To start your day in the best way, however, it is important to pay attention to what you eat for breakfast. In our gallery you can see the products that every yoga instructor recommends for the beginning of the day.

Green troubled

breakfast apple oat nuts
Yoga instructors recommend that after one exercise session you can eat foods

Rene Kennedy, a yoga instructor in New York, prepares her favorite troubles with almond milk, banana, avocado, cabbage and spinach. Embarrassed in a nutritious and tasty way and with it you can start your day with a mood.


Oatmeal, mixed with blueberries and egg, is the perfect combination of sophisticated carbohydrates and proteins that will savor you for breakfast. You can combine it with raw nuts and honey.
3. Yoghurt
Yoghurt cup with a little coconut sugar, seasonal fruit and a drop of vanilla essence is Etin Mott’s favorite breakfast. He says that this combination is the ideal balance between proteins, carbohydrates and fiber.

breakfast green smoothie raspberry
Breakfast should include proteins and carbohydrates, fluids in the form of troubles, fruits and vegetables

4. Cooked eggs
Cooked eggs are a great choice for breakfast because they are the perfect ratio of protein to fat. One big egg has 70 calories, which will give you 6 grams of protein and 5 grams of fat to start the day.
5. Toast with avocado
The avocado toast is the favorite breakfast of the popular instructor Emily Long. She cooks it by chopping up half an avocado and spreading it over a toasted whole-grain bread, then puts an egg fried in butter.