Wine is good for diabetics and it is scientifically demonstrated. Wine improves “good” cholesterol, helps diabetics without raising blood sugar.

Wine good cholesterol and regulate blood sugar. A glass of red wine a day regulates the level of “good” cholesterol and heart works well with diabetes.
This shows a new study by scientists from the US and Israel, followed the health status of 224 diabetics and the relationship between wine and diabetes.
Participants were divided into three groups for two years. The first group drank a glass of red wine a day, the second – white, while the third was only water. Blood indicators of diabetes in the first group, which drank red wine every day were the best.
The patients studied had type 2 diabetes and were subjected to a Mediterranean diet during those two years. Patients who drank a little wine every day have begun to process sugar better. According to scientists from Harvard best cholesterol responded mostly nonalcoholic wine ingredient in worms, but not in the white.

This ingredient also reduces the metabolic cardiovascular risk in patients with type 2 diabetes Several studies show that thanks to the intensification of metabolic processes in the body regular use of wine helps to improve the condition of the digestive system and skin, helps to capture nerve tension, acting as an excellent antidepressant.
When people in older age wine increases the tone, vitality and optimism. Drinking even one – two cups a week during pregnancy can have an effect on the IQ of the child, a new study shows. Statistical data from heart disease die 56% less French than Americans.
Red wine has a positive effect on lowering blood pressure and body cholesterol.To purifies the blood and is a great prevention of diabetes and anemia, increases physical endurance, stimulates metabolism and promotes weight loss. Wine slows the aging process of the body. His moderate intake is the basis of modern anti-aging therapy (anti-aging).