What is the relationship between vegetarian food and protein?

protein and vegetarian food
What is the relationship between vegetarian food and protein

As an energy carrier protein with carbohydrates and fats are the main component of human nutrition. As of the richest sources of plant proteins are referred legumes, soy products and wheat protein. Proteins are the basic building block of all living beings. As a major component of body cells they significantly determine the structure of the human body and take many vital functions: muscle contraction is through muscle proteins, antibodies help fight infections enzymes regulate digestion, and hormones such as insulin control blood sugar.

Very controversial issue is how much protein you really are needed by the human body. While many bodybuilders believe that a high amount of protein in the diet will be able to build a lot of muscle over time nutritionists significantly reduce the amount of protein recommended. Even professional athletes in the field of power sports sufficient 0.8 g. Protein / kg body weight – an amount that ensures no problem with vegan food.

Construction of proteins

Proteins consist of amino acids that are connected in long chains. Twenty of which comprise human proteins are called proteinogenic amino acids. Of these you have eight basic, that is vital – the body can not produce them only so they must be obtained through food.

Vegetarian food and protein
Interesting facts about vegetarian food and proteins, how to build proteins in the human body, using cereals, essential amino acids

Contrary to common misinterpretations in all plant sources of protein contains essential amino acids. These include Isoleucin, Leucin, Lysin, Methionin, Phenylalanin, Threonin, Tryptophan and Valin, and Histidin during infancy.

Biological valence

The so-called biological valence shows how similar food protein is human protein. If a protein contains the essential amino acids necessary precisely to man ratio, it is given a high biological valence. Protein from hen is given 100, although they can not be utilized 100% of the human body. In a similar arrangement soy protein has a valence 81 beef – 80 beans and corn – on 72 rice – 66. vegetable protein is given little biological valence, as its amino acid structure strongly differ from men.

Each amino acid that is present in an amount less than necessary, is defined as the limited amino acid. In most types of cereals lusinat limited amino acid in legumes respectively methionine. By combining different sources of protein, however, the biological valence can be significantly increased. Thus, beans and corn together give valence of 99.