Useful properties of tarragon, a perennial herb in the family Asteraceae, reaching 120-150 cm tall with thin, naked, branching, yellowish-brown stabla.Kopieviden leaves 2-8 cm long and 2-10 mm broad, green, shiny, clear kraishta.Tsvetovete small, round 4.2 mm in diameter, yellow or greenish-zhalti.Tsafti in late summer fruit – achene. Probably the plant was brought to Europe from Mongolia and Siberia during the invasion of the Mongols in the 13th vek.V England, tarragon was in the 15th century and from there spread to Amerika.V Asia and Europe, tarragon is widely cultivated as a medicinal and spice plant. The chemical composition of tarragon (tarragon or Tarragon) comprises 0.25-1% essential oil, bitter, resins, coumarins, herniarin, isocoumarine, vitamin C, flavonoids, sterols, hydrocarbons, tannin and protein.
In the use of the plant has a tonic effect, improves the appetite and aids digestion. Fresh tarragon is a source of antioxidants and studies show that the polyphenol compounds in this herb helps to reduce blood sugar levels. Outstanding properties include tarragon its Member fitopitatelnye substances which are required to maintain immunity. Laboratory tests extract of tarragon, indicate that its constituent certain compounds inhibit platelet activation, to prevent their aggregation and adhesion to the walls of blood vessels, which in turn prevents the formation of clots in small blood, heart and brain blood vessels and prevention of heart attack and stroke ,.
Grass is a source of vitamins A, C and complex B vitamins like folic acid, pyridoxine, niacin and riboflavin, which act as cofactors in exchange veshtestvata.Chrez tarragon benefits can be attributed to the presence in it of minerals such as calcium, manganese, iron , magnesium, copper, potassium and zinc. Manganese is used by the body as a co-factor for the antioxidant enzyme superoxide dismutase. Iron is necessary for cellular respiration (cofactor of cytochrome) and the formation of blood cells. To prepare drugs based on the use of tarragon upper rastenieto. Use of tarragon in medicine effective in the treatment of dental pain, premenstrual syndrome, nausea, urinary tract infection, digestive problems, insomnia, lack of appetite, flatulence, hiccups , dyspepsia, and anorexia.
Tarragon essential oil is used in dentistry as a local antiseptic and anesthetic for toothache. According to a study by the Brigham Young University in the United States has been proven that the use of tarragon effective in cervical erosion and skin cancer. In alternative medicine tarragon used in sealing the walls of blood vessels and other vascular diseases. Application tarragon in cooking is especially common in France, where the plant is a major component of Bearnez sauce and is included in most recipes for cooking chicken and fish dishes yaytsa.
Fresh lightly crushed sprig tarragon added to vinegar for a spicy vinegar to tarragon plant also widely used in salads, pickles and marinades. In countries such as Azerbaijan, Armenia, Georgia and, as a consequence, Russia, Ukraine and Kazakhstan tarragon is used to flavor the popular soft drink Tarragon, which has a refreshing effect and is painted in bright green. In Slovenia the use of tarragon seasoning as needed to make traditional sweet cake Potica, and Vegra tarragon seasoned chicken soup. Tea on the basis of tarragon is an effective tool for the treatment of insomnia. Application tarragon in a small amount to eat is absolutely safe and healthy individuals does not cause any uslozhneniya.Vapreki that prolonged use of tarragon can lead to cancer, because it contains organic substances, methyl chavicol. Tarragon is allergic to plants belonging to the family Asteraceae, such as chrysanthemums, marigold, chamomile and many others. If cholelithiasis tarragon is contraindicated, since the plant has choleretic effect that stimulates the stones from the gall mehur.V presence of large stones tarragon gallbladder will facilitate their removal, it would cause severe cramps and pains.