Useful properties of rice, part of the culture of Japan, India and China, where people consider it a gift from the gods, a symbol of life and fertility. Today, the largest rice producer in the world is determined India, but according to archaeological finds, the first time he has cultivated in China in ancient times, somewhere more than 6000 years.
In addition to the kitchen, Asian rice is used as a raw material for the production of beer, alcohol, highly appreciated and curative properties. In the Philippines used the bran of rice as a source of vitamin C and a means of treating and preventing the disease beriberi. In Malaysia, in “The Book of herbs in Malaysia medicine” recommended water from boiled green of the rice as eye lotion and acute inflammation of internal tissues and powdered grains – in skin diseases.
In Cambodia scales of mature rice are considered good remedy for dysentery and those of three – a good diuretic. in India the water from cooked rice is prescribed as an ointment against inflammation and irritation of the skin. The Chinese believe that rice strengthens the spleen and stomach, increased appetite, cure stomach upsets, improves hearing and vision, harmonizing the work of internal organs, stimulates circulation, soothes, quenches thirst, cure diarrhea. it is assumed that in the world there are about 25,000 varieties of rice, but most often they consume are white and brown. For the most useful is considered brown or brown rice from which the husk is removed only and thus retain maximum nutritional value. polished white rice which was used in our kitchen, passes through reprocessing.
It is clear not only the shell but also the bran and germ, then the beans are polished. Yet white rice is also good for health as it energizes the body, stimulate the bowels and is a good source of vitamin C. White rice is a natural tonic, has diuretic properties, contains no cholesterol, helps digestion and anti-inflammatory . It is a great source of fiber that are important for digestion and proper functioning of the organism as a whole. The rice contains proteins that are necessary for the growth and repair of muscle. It is also an important food for hair, nails and skin. White rice contains large amounts of manganese, which strengthens the immune system and helps bone growth.
Since it is low in harmful fats, cholesterol and sodium, rice is the perfect food for those who want to eat a balanced and deal with excess weight and related health problems. Low sodium content means that rice is useful for people with high blood pressure and cardiovascular problems. – Rice does not contains gluten, which means that is accepted readily by the body. It is therefore recommended to people who hardly digest the proteins in wheat, barley, oats and rye.

White rice contains vitamin B1, which is necessary for the health of the heart and nervous system. It contains resistant starch that reaches the intestines unused and thus promotes the growth of beneficial bacteria and keep the gut healthy. Husk of rice is considered an effective remedy for dysentery and those of three rice is said to have a diuretic effect. The Chinese believe that rice significantly enhances the appetite, cure stomach ailments and relieves digestive problems.
As a diuretic, husks of rice can help in disposing of excess fluids from the body. The ground powder of white rice is used in the treatment of various skin disorders. Of rice flour are prepared paws that help in the treatment of acne, measles, burns, and hemorrhoids. Doctors in traditional medicine in India recommended water, which is boiled rice to soothe skin irritations. Whole grain rice scientists is rich in insoluble fiber, which prevent the development of cancer cells in the body. According to traditional Chinese medicine is useful for rice spleen, stomach and lungs. Usually Chinese doctors recommend medical foods to cook rice, ie the mess.
This method is particularly useful for those recovering from serious illness and their stomach has weakened functions. The water in which the rice is washed before cooking it, can be frozen and used in the treatment of inflamed corners of the lips. It creates a protective membrane that keeps lips. The crust which formed at the bottom of the pot in which it is cooked rice, helps in the treatment of gastric disorders, diarrhea, weakness, cold in the spleen and stomach. In Chinese herbal pills made from “rice crust” are given to children for good digestion.