Useful properties raisins
Useful properties of raisins, experts say the perfect food for the winter.

Useful properties of raisins, experts say the perfect food for the winter. In the process of research, the experts proved that raisins are extremely useful for the health of men and women. The harvested ripe grapes are dried in hot sun for two or more weeks and turned into raisins. Weather conditions affect this process so that raisins are produced only in those areas where it is possible to dry in the hot sun for several weeks.

There should be no rains. Drying is done in special places. Today, all dried grapes are called raisins, but this is not entirely right. Raisins should be called only dried grape seeds without seeds. The properties of fresh and dried grapes are slightly different, but 75-80% of vitamins and up to 100% of trace elements are stored in regular raisins.

Useful properties of raisins the best food

Useful properties of raisins
Useful properties of raisins have a positive effect on the activity of the central nervous system

Black raisins are considered healthier than light ones. Red raisins obtained from pink grapes are rare and the content of beneficial properties is lower than the dark ones, but they exceed that of light raisins. Raisins are essential to boost cardiovascular performance and are extremely rich in potassium that activates the work of the heart muscle so doctors often recommend their consumption.

Well, they help with hypertension. Infusion of raisins is recommended to drink morning and evening courses in the spring and autumn. Raisins help in pulmonary diseases. Used for cough and bronchitis, they help the cough transition from dry to hard to moist and soft. It is also used in rhinitis and sore throats, especially in raisins with onions.

Raisins contain pine and therefore suppress the development of osteoporosis in the elderly. Dried grapes are extensively used in bladder and kidney diseases, and raisins have a strong diuretic effect. They also help with a number of problems with the gastrointestinal tract. Raisins have a slight loosening effect and have long been used as a means of fighting constipation, and seed fruits help with dysentery.

As part of the raisins is the substance arginine, which makes them useful for male health. The use of raisins is expressed even in the fact that it is able to cure vercicolor (multicolored lichen). The fact that raisins are so useful is explained by the content of huge amounts of vitamins, mineral salts of metals and organic acids. Raisins are rich in antioxidants.

The most important properties of raisins

As recent research shows, thanks to its ability to inhibit bacterial growth, raisins also help in dental diseases and have a beneficial effect on the condition not only of the gums but also of the teeth.

properties of raisin
It speeds up the mental process and increases blood circulation.

They are also used in anemia, especially dark varieties that are rich in high iron content. The glucose and fructose content in them is up to 8 times higher than the content of such substances in fresh fruit.

Raisins with seeds are more useful than without them. Phytotherapists are of the opinion that dried fruits can be summarized as follows: the substances contained in the product from which moisture is removed become more concentrated in it, therefore, when used, take care and measure! This product is one of the most useful dried fruits, as there are a number of vitamins that improve the well-being of people.

During the implementation of the projects, scientists have noted that this nutritional ingredient improves the cognitive abilities of the weak and strong sex, so it is recommended to eat before work or school. During the day one should eat at least a handful of raisins. This product is not recommended for use by girls with toxicosis.