Useful properties of persimmon
Useful properties of persimmon

Useful properties of the persimmon, a little-known fruit that you should not miss. Almost all year round in supermarkets, buyers are attracted by the beautiful yellow-orange fruits of the persimmon. It is not only very tasty, but also extremely healthy fruit. The homeland of the persimmon is China. From there, this fruit spread throughout East Asia, and then Japan. It was not until the end of the 19th century that the whole world learned about this beautiful fruit.

The persimmon has about 500 varieties, most of which grow in tropical climates. The beneficial properties of the persimmon are explained by the rich nutritional composition. For example, it has twice as many beneficial micronutrients and dietary fiber as apples. It contains a wide variety of antioxidants, lots of water, proteins, carbohydrates, organic acids and enzymatic substances. It is rich in potassium, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus and iron, as well as vitamins A, C and P.

Perhaps the most important property of the persimmon is especially valuable for women who monitor their weight – it is a dietary fruit. Due to its high content of pectin, it helps with various digestive disorders, which means that it is useful in the fight against excess weight. Persimmon is used in folk medicine to treat diseases of the stomach. Persimmon (Diospyros kaki) (Persimmon) is a plant of the Ebony family (Ebenaceae), a genus of Diospyros and an exotic fruit that is probably the most cold-resistant among subtropical fruit plants. Surprisingly, during dormancy the fruit can withstand up to -20 degrees.

Varieties of persimmon
Varieties of persimmon

In our country the most cold-resistant variety of persimmon is Kosta. The persimmon looks like something in between a yellow apple and a red tomato. Extremely useful and tasty, it has an oval or slightly elliptical shape and a deep orange color. It is characterized by a four-part elliptical cup. Translated from Greek, the name of the fruit means “divine fire”. The persimmon begins to bear fruit usually after 3-4 years from the planting of the tree. Its flowering is in May. The height of the persimmon tree reaches 8-10 m and its leaves are specific – large with an elliptical shape and saturated oily.

Varieties of persimmon

As a representative of the subtropical climate zone, the persimmon and its varieties are extremely resistant to cold or lower temperatures. There are 5 sora persimmon:
– Fuyu – a popular variety of persimmon with quite sweet and crunchy fruits. In shape and size they are slightly flattened and of medium size. The fruit begins to ripen when its color changes from green to orange;
– Suruga – these are larger persimmons with their characteristic orange-red color. They ripen in late October, early November and have a fairly dense and sweet interior;
– Giant Fuyu – in shape this variety of persimmon is more elongated and large. It has a reddish color even when immature. At full maturity, their color becomes dark red. The tree itself of this variety is low, and the apples of paradise ripen in October;
– Jiro – this is probably the most popular variety of persimmon in America. The fruits themselves are quite large and of very good quality;
– Costata – this variety of persimmon has a pronounced conical shape. It ripens in October and is characterized by a yellow color and a pronounced astringent taste at full maturity. The delicious and exotic for us persimmon is a bomb of useful substances for the body. It contains significant doses of potassium, calcium, phosphorus, sodium and iron, vitamin C, P, PP, B1, B2, E and glutamic acid. The fruits of the persimmon are rich in sugars (glucose and fructose 13-19%), pectin and dyes. They make the fruit quite nutritious. In ripe persimmons the amount of sugar is 17-18%. In 100 g of persimmon there are: 127 kcal, 0.4 g of fat, 33.5 g of carbohydrates, 64.4 ml of water, 100 ml of potassium. The glycemic index of the persimmon is 44.77. election and storage of persimmon.

When choosing a persimmon on the market, you can’t help but notice that most of the fruit is rotten. This is normal and in most cases is a sign that the fruit is ripe and tasty. Choose relatively hard persimmons and generally without mechanical injuries. Eat well-ripened fruits quickly, because they do not have a long shelf life. On the market you will find more often persimmon, which are sold after the green ones have been picked. This is for greater durability, but do not eat the unripe fruit, which is reminiscent of the still green pink tomato.

However, this does not mean that you cannot buy the persimmon. When you get home, just leave the fruit on the windowsill and wait for it to color well. The most delicious are considered to be the persimmon , ripe on a tree and acquired a soft and sweet texture of the branch itself. Store the persimmons in the refrigerator, preferably in the lower compartment for fruits and vegetables. There the fruits can last a maximum of 2 weeks. Under no circumstances freeze the fruit.

Culinary application of the persimmon

The culinary application of the persimmon is not great, because it is best to just eat the fruit raw. To do this, you need to remove its skin, as well as the stone in the heart of the persimmon . The rest of the fruit in a fleshy and tasty part that you need to eat instantly.
All the valuable substances of the persimmon can be stored in it only if it is raw. Do not heat it, just put it as a garnish or decoration for cakes. With a persimmon you can prepare sweet and delicious creams, as well as put it in a cake or pastry.

Syrup or compotes, various jellies, jams and marmalades are prepared from the fruits of the persimmon . It is easy to make homemade persimmon syrup. To do this, peel and finely chop a few fruits, pour hot water over them and after 5-10 minutes strain the water. Mash the fruit. Pour the juice into bottles and store it in a cool, tightly closed.