Useful properties of mackerel besides its wonderful taste and is very useful for human beings properties. The places where she lived her fish, there are hundreds of ways of cooking in combination with other products. Few people think about the benefits that this fish has the body most valued only its taste qualities. Each product has chemical properties and act in a certain manner on the body. In the chemical composition of mackerel has a lot of protein and fat, they are more fish caught during winter in the northern regions.
The usual amount of fat is 13 grams, which is sufficient to determine as oily fish. Proteins are an average of 18 grams and double digested faster than the protein in beef. Mackerel is a low-calorie fish. To receive daily calories should eat about 700 grams of fish, but do not forget about fat in it. Unsaturated fatty acids are in mackerel in large numbers. They are a valuable product and antioxidant. Help to strengthen the cell membranes of the body at the expense of the neutralization of free electrons.
These are radicals, which can break the cell walls and to disrupt their activities. This leads to the occurrence of many diseases, including cancer. To avoid this, it is important to eat the right products. Not surprisingly, children are given fish oil – it is full of unsaturated fatty acids. The chemical composition of mackerel foster harmonious growth and development of children and is very useful for pregnant and lactating women.
To avoid imbalance between the growth and development of the internal organs in adolescents, mackerel should be present in their diet. Valuable components of mackerel and mineral substances. It contains potassium, phosphorous, fluorine, sulfur, zinc, chlorine, sodium. These are trace elements of great benefit. The entire range of B vitamins contained in this fish. A large concentration of vitamin B12 and vitamin PP. Vitamin B helps for DNA synthesis and is involved in fat metabolism. Frequent feeding mackerel regulate blood sugar, helps the digestive system and strengthens the nervous system.

Mackerel easily absorbed by the body and is an excellent source of protein and also contains large amounts of phosphorus, iodine, calcium, potassium, sodium, magnesium, zinc and fluorine. This fish contains nicotinic acid and vitamin D, which are also an important factor for bone healing and improve the function of the nervous system and promote the absorption of nutrients in general. Supports the formation of hemoglobin and oxygen saturation. Thanks to basements and unsaturated fatty acids, it is very useful for brain, skin and hair.
The high concentration of phosphorus helps the construction of many enzymes that are engines of chemical reactions of the cell. All vitality of the body can be secured only one type of fish. Phosphoric acid in mackerel are the fabric of the human skeleton, so it is very useful for children, but for adults as over the years they appear problems with the musculoskeletal system. It has been shown that individuals with the lowest levels of magnesium in the body is most susceptible to asthma attacks.
With a shortage of omega-3 fatty acids are often associated diseases such as cancer, rheumatoid arthritis, atherosclerosis, a weak immune system. Mackerel is contraindicated in individual intolerance. Furthermore, recently found that oily fish is not desirable in diseases of the liver and kidney.