Useful properties of Jerusalem artichoke act as a prebiotic by stimulating the growth of beneficial bacteria in the intestinal flora. Artichoke belongs to the family Asteraceae very common among whose representatives are still sunflowers, daisies, chamomile, yarrow, edelweiss and other well-known in Bulgaria plant species. One cup contains 109 calories. And more useful fiber, inulin, thiamine, phosphorus, potassium and iron. It is low in saturated fat, cholesterol, and sodium, and low glycemic index.
The so-called Topinambour (it is believed that the name derives from the Brazilian Indian tribe Tupinamba), a close relative of the sunflower originates from North America and is known as the culture of many centuries. In the early 17th century. French explorers brought the plant in Europe in the 18th century, with the advent of the potato, it is forgotten. Over time, however, thanks to the medical, nutritional and taste characteristics, artichoke again finds its place in the culinary map of Europe.
Jerusalem artichokes can be eaten raw, boiled or baked. Its tubers grow until the end of November, after it is better to wait before they can be collected, so that valuable substances from the top of the plant to undergo in its tuber. Tubers (tubers) can be collected in the spring as overwintering not harm their dietary composition – a real bouquet of vitamins, proteins, sugars, minerals. One of the great advantages of this culture is the fact that it is able to survive in a variety of extreme weather conditions.

Topinambur blooms in summer, as in many gardens and used as an ornamental plant because of its beautiful yellow flowers. In Europe, the Jerusalem artichoke is not very widespread as widely cultivated plant, although withstand any conditions and its benefits are really great. But nowadays, people increasingly turn to this forgotten, buried in the ground, treasure. What tuber? Useful properties of Jerusalem artichoke are determined, as the various substances in it, and the high content of inulin in the plant.
Inulin is a unique natural polysaccharide consisting of 95% fructose. Inulin in artichoke acts as a prebiotic – stimulates the growth of beneficial bacteria in the intestinal flora. It also contributes to the absorption of calcium in the body, reducing triglycerides and cholesterol, and prevents the growth of various cancers. Furthermore, inulin, in topinambur also contain many other useful biologically active compounds, fiber, iron, silicon, zinc, magnesium, potassium, phosphorus, calcium, vitamins C and B, pectin, organic acids and amino acids.
Thanks to its carbohydrate composition very similar to that of honey, artichoke is a combination of low calorific value and very good absorption by the body. In 100 g raw earth apple has 73 calories. At the same amount of contained 17.4 g carbohydrate, 1.6, the dietary fiber and the following substances:
Consumption of Jerusalem artichokes regulates blood pressure, and has a favorable effect on the digestive system. Since inulin in artichoke promotes the absorption of calcium and magnesium, which is adopted, the plant is recommended as a preventive measure against osteoporosis. Artichoke is very common as a means for lowering blood sugar levels and reducing the required insulin doses in people suffering from diabetes type I.
In contrast to the potatoes, in which the starch is degraded to glucose and thus increases blood sugar inulin in the earth apple is degraded to fructose and in a manner not dramatically affect blood glucose levels. Not least of artichoke tubers can serve as a means to purify the blood and are good for the liver and kidneys. The plant is able to put the body of various impurities and heavy metals.