Useful properties of horseradish
Useful properties of horseradish to human health. Horseradish is a plant that is used both as a vegetable, as well as ground condiment.

Useful properties of horseradish to human health. Horseradish is a plant that is used both as a vegetable, as well as ground condiment. It has specific strong taste, which is not liked by many people, but the nutrients in this korenolodno are indisputable. Horseradish is inherently perennial plant of the Brassicaceae family (Brassicaceae), which includes mustard and cabbages. Horseradish plant reaches 1.5 meters in height and is mainly grown for its large white tapering root, which consumed most often.

In rare cases, the leaves are used for consumption as they are mainly preferred flavor of jams, jams and marmalades. Homeland horseradish is considered Southeast Europe. From there it gradually spread throughout Europe. Horseradish is found in wild species in the European part of Russia, the Caucasus, Siberia and the Far East. Horseradish thrives mainly in damp places in the valleys and along river banks. Relatively recently horseradish is defined as culture and is now widely cultivated as food, drug and ornamental plant.

Composition of horseradish. Horseradish is rich in many nutrients. Horseradish roots contain mustard oil, sugar, ascorbic acid, are rich in mineral salts of potassium, sodium, sulfur, calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, chlorine, iron, copper and organic compounds. Ascorbic acid contained in leaves of horseradish 3 times more than in the roots. A beneficial effect on the human body have contained volatile substances in horseradish – phytoncides capable of killing pathogenic microbes give bactericidal properties of horseradish.

Freshly squeezed juice, porridge prepared from the roots of horseradish and water infusions administered as an antimicrobial, a gargle for inflammation of the oral cavity and pharynx. Selection and storage of horseradish. Horseradish roots are used fresh, because dried lose their flavor. He is not like other herbs that can retain their beneficial qualities in dried and frozen. There are two ways by which you can keep fresh horseradish in kind. The first is like the roots dug in sand – so last up to one month. The other option is to blend mash and pour it with vinegar, oil, salt and a spoonful of honey. Close all in a glass jar. Culinary use of horseradish. Horseradish is widely used in cooking, only fresh.

raw horseradish
Useful properties of horseradish for chest pain, high blood pressure and dizziness. Horseradish helps with joint pain and destroys the bacteria that cause tooth decay

As it became clear dried horseradish loses its qualities and most of all – its characteristic flavor. Exactly the same reason is not subjected to heat treatment and is added at the very end of cooking the dishes. Horseradish is a very popular condiment for a number of sauces are made from grated horseradish and sour milk or products. Horseradish is a traditional seasoning for cooking boiled beef, cold roast meat, cooked pork trotters and others.

Horseradish has pronounced preservative properties, and therefore is also used in the preparation of pickles and sauerkraut. Ground part of horseradish can be used as a substitute for the famous Japanese condiment wasabi. Benefits of horseradish. In the past, people placed leaves of fresh horseradish on abscesses fast recovery. When edema of the cervical glands were doing compresses with horseradish and radish, taken in equal quantities and grated. Headaches and poisoning odor grated horseradish. He was considered one of the best antiscorbutic means: boiled grated horseradish are in the leaven of sugar beet and gargling mouth 4 times a day.

The healing properties of horseradish been known for centuries, when it is used to treat scurvy and leprosy. Horseradish alilsinapenoto yields an oil which is contained in leaves and roots. This oil has a powerful effect baktertsidno kills many types of germs literally a few minutes. In roots of horseradish has lysozyme, which is a protein substance with the action of antibiotic. In a healthy person Lysozyme is present in saliva, mucous membranes in the mouth and eyes.

In disease states, however, this substance is destroyed and horseradish helps stocks recover it. Horseradish responds well to cold and flu, as well to the fresh juice from the root mousse added honey. Furthermore, horseradish favors the treatment of respiratory diseases, a piece of chewing horseradish destroys bacteria which cause tooth decay. Horseradish kills bacteria and in diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Compresses with horseradish act perfectly and joint diseases.

Horseradish is used for bladder stones, rheumatism, gout and diseases of the respiratory system with cough. This healing root-crop has expressed protivosluzesto property cleanses the body of mucus, congestion unclogs it. Amplifies the work of the gastrointestinal tract, increased appetite, helps to reduce the acidity, is used for diseases of the gall bladder and atony of the colon.