Useful properties of Canistel or also known as egg fruit is apple-sized and yellowish to orange. There is a small soft pulp, similar in appearance and texture to boiled egg yolk, from where comes one of his names.
The fruit Canistel comes from Mexico and Central America and is now grown in other tropical regions, including Southeast Asia and parts of Africa. It can be consumed fresh, but it is also used for desserts and bakes. The ingredients are rich in niacin and carotene (provitamin A) and have a satisfactory level of ascorbic acid, as well as calcium and vitamin C.
Thanks to this, this fruit brings some benefits to our body. The Fruit Canistel helps to lower blood pressure. This is due to the high levels of minerals present in the fruit. A good helper is in preventing and eliminating various inflammations in our body.
Canistel or egg fruit with countless benefits
Canistel is a natural remedy for cleansing bacterial and fungal infections in the body when consumed regularly. The penis has high levels of iron, which increases blood levels in the body and prevents anemia. It is highly recommended to eat from women with severe bleeding during the menstrual cycle and after birth.
This tropical gift helps to strengthen bones in children, adults and those suffering from diseases associated with them. This is because the fruit contains high levels of calcium and phosphorus minerals that are beneficial to bones. Consumed regularly prevents the spread of cancer cells.
The natural remedy is to treat flu and cough. This is possible thanks to the high content of vitamin C, which eliminates the symptoms associated with colds. It is very useful for people prone to allergies, as it reduces the chances of developing allergic reactions. Thanks to the minerals contained in the Canistel, it is an effective means of eliminating the symptoms of arthritis.