[schema type=”product” url=”https://healtheatingfood.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/05/banana-peelings.jpg” name=”banana peel” description=”Useful properties of banana peels, strengthen the immune system, improve sleep and lift mood, have a slimming effect on the body largest herb in the world” single_rating=”4.5″ agg_rating=”5″ price=”$12.00″ condition=”New” ]When it comes to useful properties of banana peel, all we used to eat only the inside of the fruit. What we do not know however, is that just peel is saturated with up to three times more nutrients compared to underneath it. So before we discard after banana peel into the wastebasket, nice to meet you with their beneficial properties:
Peels contain a significantly greater amount of fiber than the fruit itself. In turn, these nutrients reduce levels of “bad” cholesterol in the body, reducing the risk of stroke and blood vessel disease.

Many are familiar with muscle cramps which caused heavy physical activity. Their treatment often involves consumption of bananas and this is not accidental. Contained in the fruit and its peels electrolytes and potassium are involved in building muscle mass breakdown of carbohydrates and maintaining the acid balance in the body.
Peel is rich in serotonin, known as the hormone of happiness. Its main function is t
o regulate mood, body temperature, sleep, blood clotting, sexuality and our appetite and lower its levels in the body could be a reason for aggressive behavior, depression or migraines.
Sleep problems can now find their solution. Tryptophan, which is one of the ten most important amino acids is present both within the banana, and in its peel. It is directly connected to the transmission of signals to the brain that are responsible for created a sense of rested and beneficial sleep.
Do not throw away the peel and peel of these fruits and vegetables.
Peelings that all discharges are actually low-calorie diet rich in beneficial nutrients that our body needs. All this makes them extremely suitable for consumption, especially when it comes to diversifying the diet.
The role of red blood cells is to transport oxygen in the body. Here come to the aid and banana peels who manage to reinforce this action, defending both the cells themselves from possible collapse.
Peelings also affect eye health. This is due to lutein contained therein. It was he responsible for a person’s ability to see in the dark, also prevents cataracts and retinal disorders.

The ingredients in the peel of the fruit involved in the formation of so-called. “Good bacteria” in the body that help its overall detoxification and improved immune system. It is important to note that the most useful are organic banana peels. Choosing their cheaper alternative, we risk to supply your body with unnecessary pesticides and insecticides that will hinder the overall attitude of a healthy and favoring health snack.
Raw consumption bark is definitely the easiest, but there are other ways, turning accept them in something so unusual and (for many) annoying. One is by cooking – this method of treatment makes peels to soften, which gives them a more savory flavor. The other option is to be scraped with a spoon or ground in a blender and turned into a liquid that then we can drink in one gulp.