Useful ingredients of raspberries
Only 200 g raspberries provide the necessary daily dose of vitamin C.

What are useful ingredients of raspberries and how people use them to treat various diseases? Mali has salicylic acid – a component of aspirin. In raspberry can be detected, and salicylic acid, which is a component of aspirin, and thanks to it, the plant is one of nature’s best anti various inflammatory processes.

It is more that it is a better drug than aspirin, mostly because it does not lead to ulcers with prolonged use.

Raspberries contain vitamin C, carotene, calcium, iron, copper, iodine and zinc. Only 200 g raspberries provide the necessary daily dose of vitamin C.

The energy value of raspberries is determined 41 mud. 100, the 200 g raspberries provide the daily dose of vitamin C.

Even in smaller quantities, raspberries contain other vitamins. These are beta-carotene, vitamin B1, vitamin B2, vitamin B9. The first support growth, vision and absorption of nutrients.

Folic acid (B9) is important for the development of the brain and spinal cord as well as in pregnant women. Raspberries are recommended for varicose veins, as strengthen the walls of blood vessels used at a reduced immune system or other bleeding.

Lowest in calories and high in fiber raspberries make a great food for diets, so medication for people who suffer from type 2 diabetes and heart disease. Fresh raspberries enhance immunity.

In a fresh raspberry herb is used for tonic and tonic. Raspberries improve digestion and quench their thirst.

 Fresh raspberries enhance immunity
Can be sweetened with honey. Folk recipes for treatment with raspberries

Tea leaves of raspberry are used for the treatment of diarrhea, cramps, heartburn, and is used in external bleeding gums and inflammation of the oral cavity.

What used more raspberries? For sore throats – a tablespoon of fruit brew with ¼ liter of boiling water. Filter and drink like tea. Can be sweetened with honey.

Folk recipes for treatment with raspberries. In neurodermatitis – into equal portions nettle leaves and raspberry.

Three tablespoons of herbs to brew 1 cup boiling water and strain the liquid used to make compresses. Colds – 1 tablespoon dried fruits pour 1 cup boiling water.

Allow to stand for 20 min. And taken 2 times a day. When skin rashes – are taken into 2 tablespoons of chopped leaves, then pour 300 ml of boiling water, allow to cool, then strain the infusion and make compresses.

People who suffer from gout and nephritis should be careful with raspberries, because this fruit contains purines.