Useful components of soy
Useful components of soy are known since ancient times, comes in many vegetarian diets lowered cholesterol and lowers blood sugar, protein source

Useful components of soy contain protein, isoflavones and fiber that contribute to its beneficial effects on human health. It is still a source of lecithin and other phospholipids. Isoflavones in soy do not accidentally called phytoestrogens, as caught up in the body, they play a role similar to that of endogenous (produced by the body) estrogens.

There have been a number of clinical studies that suggest that intake of phytoestrogens from soy may relieve the symptoms caused by decreased levels of female hormones after menopause. In many women noted a weakening of hot flashes and reduce irritability and frequent change in mood.

In a similar manner, the intake of soy and can alleviate the symptoms associated with premenstrual syndrome, among which are the leading breast tenderness and bloating feeling. Soya is used as a food providing plant protein, as well as for medical purposes. It is used for high cholesterol, high blood pressure, prevention of diseases of the heart and blood vessels.

Soya is also used in a second type of diabetes, asthma, prevention of osteoporosis. There is evidence for use of soy and other malignancies – lung cancer, endometrial carcinoma, prostate and thyroid carcinomas. Useful ingredients include soy treatment of constipation and diarrhea, lowering of the protein in the urine, in humans with a kidney disease, improve memory and muscle fatigue after physical activity.

In women, soybeans is applied for the long treatment of hot flushes and other symptoms of the menopause as well as for relief of symptoms of premenstrual syndrome – pain and breast tenderness, feeling bloated, mood swings. Useful components of soy are used as a substitute for cow’s milk in infant formula exhibiting allergy to cow’s milk protein. Soy is incorporated in various products for vegetarians – tofu, soy mince and sausages, beverages, and eat boiled or roasted.

Soy product
Useful components of soy contain protein, isoflavones and fiber that contribute to its beneficial effects on human health

There is evidence that phytoestrogens contained in the soybeans, may delay the decrease of bone density in postmenopausal women, and thereby reduce risk of osteoporosis and fracture. Further research is needed in this area to confirm these benefits by taking soy. Numerous clinical studies have reported that the addition of soy protein to dietary may lead to a moderate reduction of total cholesterol and low density “bad” cholesterol, as well as to slightly marked lowering Triglyceride.

There are suggestions that the effects on lipid status, due to genistein and daidzein izoflovonite, but they have not been confirmed. There is evidence that intake of soy products can have favorable effects on blood glucose levels in people with type 2 diabetes need more research in this field, on which this use of soy to be confirmed.

However, the improvement of the lipids, as well as the supply of vegetable protein to the diet of diabetic, has a definite beneficial effect. There have been major studies that suggest that people consuming soy products have a lower risk of various cancers, including – cancer of the colon, prostate and breast cancer. Most likely this is due to those contained in soy isoflavones, but still not enough reliable information on the subject.