Important information about trace elements in fruits and vegetables that need to know to choose the proper nutrition for our body. Iron is an essential mineral that provides transportation of oxygen to the cells. Iron deficiency leads to poor nutrition of the cells, characterized by fatigue, headache, fatigue, shortness of breath, dizziness, poor memory and slowing of mental processes called anemia.
Iron is lost in the menstrual cycle of women, so that they suffer from anemia more often than men. It is water-soluble and therefore does not accumulate in landfills in the body. Therefore it needs to be taken with each meal. Iron is lost when discarded water in which vegetables are cooked. The most iron-rich foods include yeast, garlic, soy, sesame, nettles, wheat germ, wheat germ and cocoa.
Absorption of iron greatly facilitated by co-administration with food rich in vitamin C. phosphorus in our body is 600-900 c. And is mainly concentrated in bones and calcium, but it is acid forming part. The exchange of calcium and phosphorus are closely interconnected. Violations exchange of one leads to the violation of other exchanges forming part.
It is therefore important not so absorbing large volumes amount of phosphorus or calcium and absorption of food with the best ratio of the two salts. Everything that concerns the absorption of calcium, phosphorus applies to. Most aptly the ratio between calcium and phosphorus is 1: 1.7. It shall receive the healthy bones. Approximately such is their proportion in strawberries, peanuts, cucumber and onion.

The need for phosphor is within 400 – 1000 mg. per day. Phosphorus plays a leading role in the activity of the central nervous system. Important is its role in metabolic processes in the cell membrane, the muscles, including the heart. Organic phosphorus compounds actively participate in the energy supply of the vital processes.
Phosphorus compounds transform and accumulate energy that can be retranslate and used as mechanical, electrical, chemical or electrochemical. Most – phosphorus-rich foods include cocoa powder, pumpkin seeds, egg yolk, soybeans, almonds, peanuts, beans, leshtnitsi, nuts and oatmeal.
Potassium and sodium are important nutrients. Potassium – about 140 g. Of which 98.5% is in the cells influences the internal cell exchange and prevails in the cells of the nervous and muscular tissues, in RBCs. Sodium prevails in the blood plasma and extracellular fluid.
The two elements are involved in the maintenance of normal osmotic pressure and the formation of protoplasm. They constitute the buffer systems, ie uchavstvah maintaining acid – the main equalize. Potassium is important for the speed of transmission of nerve impulses from nerve to muscle tissues.