protein fish salad
Top 10 highest protein foods in the world, a complete list and little known facts

Top 10 highest protein foods in the world, facts we do not yet know. Protein is a major macronutrient that serves many body functions.
The recommended amount of protein is 0.8 g / kg. However, physically active individuals need 1.4-2 g / kg. See the list of 10 foods that contain more than 80% protein:

Chicken breasts

Chicken breasts are the most fragile part of the chicken. 85 g roasted chicken breasts without skin provide about 27 g of protein, which is 140 calories. The chicken also contains large amounts of niacin, vitamin B6, selenium and phosphorus. Protein content in 100 g: 31 g (80% of calories).

Turkey breasts

Turkey is a low-calorie source of protein. 85 g of roasted turkey breasts without skin contain about 24 g of protein, which is 115 calories. The turkey also has a high content of niacin, vitamin B6, selenium, phosphorus and zinc. Protein content in 100 g: 30 g (95% of calories).

The richest in protein foods

Most of the vitamins, minerals and antioxidants in eggs are in yolk. Egg proteins, however, contain at least 60% of the protein. In 243 g of egg protein there are 26 g of protein and only about 115 calories. Protein content in 100 g: 11 g (91% of calories).

Dried fish

protein Fish Mintai
When and how much should be taken by the human body depending on his or her age.

Only 28 g of dried fish can provide 18 g of protein. It is rich in omega-3 fatty acids, vitamin B12, potassium, magnesium, selenium and other nutrients. Protein content in 100 g: 63 g (93% of calories).


Sparrows are not only not only among the richest in protein foods but also low in calories, carbohydrates and fats. 85 g of shrimp contain 17 g of protein and only 90 calories. They are rich in vitamin D, niacin, vitamin B12, iron, phosphorus, copper and selenium. Protein content in 100 g: 20 g (82% of calories).


Tuna is very low in calories and fat, making it a source of almost pure protein. 85 g of raw tuna contain about 20 g of protein, which is only 92 calories. Tuna is a good source of omega-3 fatty acids, vitamins B, magnesium, phosphorus and potassium.
Protein content in 100 g: 23 g (92% of calories).


meat fish egg protein
Top 10 highest protein foods in the world, facts we do not yet know

159 g of clove contains 42 g of protein, which is 223 calories. Halibut is an excellent source of omega-3 fatty acids, selenium, vitamins B3, B6 and B12, magnesium, phosphorus and potassium. Protein content in 100 g: 27 g (81% of calories).


Tilapia is a great source of low calorie and fat protein. 85 g of tilapia contain up to 20 g of protein, which is only 110 calories. It is a good source of selenium, phosphorus and potassium. Protein content in 100 g: 26 g (81% of calories).

Fish Fever

Fish fever is a food rich in protein and low in calories and fat. 85 g have about 20 g of protein and only 90 calories. It is a source of vitamins B3, B6 and B12, omega-3 fatty acids, selenium, magnesium, phosphorus and potassium. Protein content in 100 g: 23 g (93% of calories).

Fish Mintai

85 g of fish Minta contains 20 g of protein and about 100 calories. It is a source of omega-3 fatty acids, choline, vitamin B12 and many other nutrients. Protein content in 100 g: 24 g (89% of calories).