The healing properties of chamomile
Chamomile has been widely used against high blood sugar and high cholesterol

Chamomile is one of the most widely used herbs and is considered traditional for Bulgaria and the whole of Europe.

In folk medicine chamomile has roots centuries.

The healing properties of chamomile is best known by sedating properties, but also that it helps to complications from diabetes.

For centuries it was used as a remedy for calming and easier sleep, and to reduce fever, to treat colds and stomach problems, but also as an anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial agent.

Chamomile has been widely used against high blood sugar and high cholesterol.

chamomile folk medicine
Chamomile helps the respiratory and anti-inflammatory agent widely used in folk medicine

According to folk medicine, respiratory problems it is better to make inhalation and rinsing as gargle.

Problems with kidney stones or bladder inflammation is good to drink chamomile tea.

Washes chamomile you make in inflammation of the eyes and mucous membranes of the genitals.

Chamomile tea is one of the most common worldwide. Chamomile is also used in cosmetics and in cooking.

How to recruit chamomile? Chamomile is harvested easily, but it is important to follow some rules.

Beer is in the flowering period (May to July), detach not only those colorful baskets, but about 2 cm from the handles.

Arrange in shallow baskets, where allowed to dry in the shade. Dried chamomile should be stored in a shady, cool and dry place.