Three-day Super breakfast for Cleansing and Weight Loss. Wonderful blueberries must be on our table as often as possible. Their health benefits are numerous.
They help us purify our body and strengthen our immunity. With the help of blueberries we remove our blood and cholesterol, help us while preserving youth.
Bilberry is a low calorie fruit. Cranberries are preferred for weight loss. They can also be taken as a supplement. Beverages (such as tea) are also prepared in addition to the dietary diet.
The drink is prepared from 2 tablespoons of fruit with leaves and cold water (250 ml). He wakes up all night, and then the liquid is squeezed.
It is drunk several times, but before it has to be heated to a suitable temperature.
With this kind of fruit we can prepare a breakfast to be healthy.
You need:
curd -150g
a handful of fresh blueberries
honey – 1 h.
This breakfast guarantees toxin disposal and rapid weight loss.
The Blueberry diet guarantees great results lasting three days. It sheds three pounds in the following meals:
For breakfast – half a cup of blueberries (fresh or frozen) + cottage cheese (100 grams) and a spoon of cream;
For lunch – a cup of yogurt and cottage cheese + half a cup of blueberries;
For afternoon snack – yogurt (100 grams) + 1/2 cup of small fruit;
For dinner – yoghurt in the amount of 125 grams + blueberries (half a cup).
Blueberries occupy a special place in folk medicine. Recipes for treatment with their help are prepared.
With cystitis, the consumption of 50 grams of red fruit every day gives perfect results. From the juice you can take 150 ml a day.
Super Bowl for Cleansing and Weight Loss
For the eyes – two tablespoons of fruit, sprinkled with sugar, should be eaten daily. For constipation, diarrhea, diarrhea – prepare a decoction of dried cranberries, which you take along with the sour fruits. In constipation, mostly cranberry is used. In this case juice is used, mixed with the same amount of red beet juice.
In diabetes – fresh fruit and tea from the leaves. Cranberry juice to be taken in an amount of 150 ml per day.
For liver – Drink daily for a total of ten days a total of 400 ml of juice. The recipes should be two, so the amount of juice is diluted with water.
In case of gout – a decoction of blueberries is applied. First, the water turns and then add the fruits to it. Stuffing and getting drunk within the day.