[schema type=”product” url=”https://healtheatingfood.com/shrimps-tasty-sea-gift/” name=”Shrimps food” description=”Shrimps tasty sea gift that comes in many recipes in cooking, nutritional value of shrimp, selecting and storing shrimp enrich the taste of many salads ” single_rating=”5″ agg_rating=”5″ price=”12.00″ condition=”New” ]
Shrimps tasty sea gift favorite of many of us. In fact, these crustaceans are perhaps the most famous seafood. Firm, translucent flesh of raw shrimp may have a different color depending on its very appearance. It may be pink, gray, tan or yellow. Once subjected to heat treatment, the flesh of these crustaceans becomes opaque and creamy or pinkish in color.
Worldwide are over 300 different species of shrimp and those 300 have thousands of varieties. The most common are prawn, and recently started to gain popularity and tiger who are most consumed in Asia.

People have enjoyed the shrimp as food since these crustaceans have appeared in the ground water, ie Since time immemorial. Shrimp has almost around vsyat. Although many countries grow them artificially, most of the production comes from the USA, South and Central America, Japan, Thailand and Taiwan.
Composition of shrimp
hrimps are very rich in minerals and vitamins. These include group B vitamins and does not contain any fat, but at the expense of protein in them are many. In the shrimp has a large amount of calcium, potassium, iodine or zinc. They are very rich in vitamin E, which prevents aging of cells. In 100 grams of shrimp contains about 0.3 grams of fat 18 g protein and 75 calories.
Selecting and storing shrimp
– Fresh shrimp should be of solids and free of black spots on their shell. If you buy fresh shrimp is good to know that they are lasting only a day or two.
– If you plan to cook shrimp next, better get them frozen. In a freezer kept for several weeks.
– The smell is a good indicator of whether shrimp are fresh. If they’re fresh, they must have a slight scent of salt water.
– Whatever seafood store, you should always be careful as it is easily susceptible to spoilage.
Shrimp culinary

Shrimps have a pair of antennae and four pairs of legs and tail, by moving on the seabed. Their main edible part is the muscles in their tails remaining after removal of the head, upper body, legs and antennae. Shrimps are considered marine delicacy, which is why their price is more expensive. They can be eaten almost every way – boiled, grilled, steamed, fried.
Shrimp enrich the taste of many salads, combine wonderfully with rice, soups and various light appetizers. Special care must be taken not to boil because their flesh becomes firm and practically tasteless. Frozen raw shrimp thaw slightly – enough to thaw and placed in boiling water. Ready shrimps come to the surface for about 8-10 minutes. Frozen cooked shrimp boil at most 3 minutes. The most common way of eating shrimp is their cooking for 5 to 7 minutes and serving with cocktail sauce. The taste of shrimp is complemented wonderfully garlic, olive oil and wine. Fried shrimp are also very tasty, but must be careful not fried.