Treatment with sea salt is useful for the immune system and good health.
Treatment with sea water, which is also known as thalassotherapy, constitutes use of seawater products from the sea and marine environment to improve the overall condition of the body and the treatment and prevention of many diseases.
Going to sea really has many advantages, so it is recommended at least once a year to go to the beach.
The most important benefits of therapy with himalayan salt are: strengthening the immune system, improve blood circulation, improve mood, release the body of toxins, improve the appearance and health of skin, relieve the symptoms of asthma, bronchitis and arthritis treatment inflammation of the sinus, improvement of sleep quality.
Although many want to feel the positive effects of seawater, they can not afford to go to sea regularly. If this is your case, try to improvise.

Although this improvisation is far from the advantages of the sea, in some cases, can help to calm and relax your body.
Therapy with sea salt at home. All that is needed is a sea salt, olive oil and lavender essential oil. Mix coarse salt and olive oil and make peeling the entire body.
Another option is to fill the tub with warm water, it can add sea salt and lavender oil and spend in the water at least half an hour.
If you have sinus problems, inhale hot water mixed with sea salt.
For colds it is much better to use the famous Granny’s recipe for dipping your feet in warm water with dissolved salt.