Using the roasted pumpkin against diabetes has been proven scientifically. Pumpkin improves the function of the pancreas, brain and prostate. Roasted pumpkin for good memory. And pumpkin butter pumpkin seeds contain alkaloids, flavonoids and three other essential fatty acids. Besides antioxidants, pumpkins have anti-inflammatory, anti-cancer and anti-diabetic properties.
Pumpkins are promising for people with diabetes. Research of East China Normal University in 2007 showed that pumpkin successfully enhances the regeneration of damaged cells in the pancreas of diabetic rats. This led to higher levels of insulin in the blood of rats. Scientists from the University believe that the pumpkin can positively affect people with diabetes before or diabetes.
In the rat study makes it clear that the pumpkin paste is effective for improving insulin resistance and glyukozotolerantnostta. The oil from pumpkin seeds shrink enlarged prostate glands of rats. The oil from pumpkin seeds obtained from raw or roasted pumpkin seeds. It has a nutty flavor that blends well in salad dressings. The oil is rich in essential fatty acids such as oleic and alpha-linoleic acid.
Urology International published a 2006 study in which they examined the effects of pumpkin seed oil in male rats with enlarged prostate glands. This controlled trial showed that rats treated with pumpkin seed oil, alone or in combination with another solution has achieved a significantly lower weight of the prostate, as well as lower levels of protein.That is, pumpkin seed oil is able to “shrink” enlarged prostate gland in males.

Pumpkins reduce inflammation, blood glucose and fight cancer. One cup of raw, shredded pumpkin contains 30 calories, almost no fat 1 mg, 8 g carbohydrates and 1 gram protein. Anti-inflammatory factor pumpkin is 65 Glycaemic index is 3, which makes it a very good choice for diabetics.
One cup of raw pumpkin contains 8567 IU of the antioxidant vitamin A, which is 171% of the recommended daily intake for vitamin A. pumpkin seed oil improves brain activity, the strength of the skin, prostate and hair health. The crude oil from pumpkin seeds contain omega-6 and 9 fatty acids, phytosterols and vitamin E and linoleic acid K. contained in the oil and improve brain function and appearance of the skin. Due to the vegetable is reduced and LDL, thereby reducing the risk of developing cardiovascular diseases.