cake with raisins
Delicious and easy to prepare raisin cake recipe

Delicious and easy to prepare raisin cake recipe. Do not prepare more same breakfast on Sunday, try again and those delicious cakes! They are prepared very easily and bake briefly.
Ingredients for 6 servings:
’75 Or 6 tablespoons margarine free milk
1 large whole egg
120 ml or ½ cup, unsweetened coconut milk
150 g or 1 ¼ cups, whole wheat flour
7 ½ d, or 1 ½ teaspoons, baking powder
5 g or 1 teaspoon ground cinnamon
large pinch of salt
115 g or 2/3 cup raisins

Method of preparation

1 Preheat oven to 190 degrees. Six oiled molds for baking cakes or metal cups. Beat margarine, eggs and coconut milk in a bowl.
2 Sift flour, baking powder, cinnamon and salt over the mixture already shattered. Stir gently, then beat well. Add raisins and distribute the mixture into trays.
3 Bake 20 minutes or until cakes rise and bake until firm to the touch texture. Cool them slightly and remove to wire rack to doizstinat before serving them.

Good advice

Raisin cake recipe
Nutritional value and method of preparation of raisin cake recipe suitable products cake with raisins and energy content

Cake does not lose its flavor when cool. He may be frozen, packaged in special plastic bags. Remove them from the freezer, however, the night before serving them, or defrost them in the microwave, then gently warm them in the oven.

Nutrition values

In one cake containing:
Energy 123kkal / 514Dzh
Fat, total 6.3 g

1.75 g saturated fat
1.35 g polyunsaturated fat
monounsaturated 2.65 g fat
Carbohydrates 14.85 g
Sugar, total 14.35 g
Starch 0.5 g
Cellulose 0.4 g
Sodium 278.5 mg