Brain of a dreamers work more efficiently
According to scientists from Columbia University, the work of the brain of adreamer is much better when we dream. Brain in solving complex problems is especially active and it helps…
Natural medicines from around the world
Natural medicines are used worldwide to reduce pain, improve immunity and eliminate stress naturally. Coconuts as reducing obesity. Every corner of the earth has any own beliefs and traditions that…
Iron intake of vegetarians – food additives
Iron intake of vegetarians is a complex process of eating, because you need to increase the content of plant products with dark green leaves and grasses, and the diet should…
Prevention of anemia by eating healthy
Prevention of anemia by eating healthy and monotonous foods and alcohol lead to anemia. Much coffee and alcohol lead to iron deficiency. Iron in the blood plays an important role…
Diet for a Healthy Heart
Here’s a suggestion for our recommended diet for a healthy heart. 76% of coronary heart risk may be reduced with a proper diet. Eat fish four times a week, providing…
Laughter heals good mood
Laughter heals many diseases and not only brings cheer, but also is beneficial to the human body. In recent decades, scientists have studied the effects of laughter on the human…