Nutritional composition of kiwi
Nutritional composition of kiwi and regular consumption can definitely help you in your weight loss will take advantage of its rich content of vitamins

Nutritional composition of kiwi fruit in 100 grams of this exotic fruit contains 49 calories, 0 g fat, 1 g protein, ’11 carbohydrates and 2.6 grams fiber. Fruits contain 80+% water, 18% dry matter in which 9-12% of sugars, acids, 1%, 1.6% protein, 300 mg vitamin C. Its composition also vitamin B1, vitamin A, the enzyme anemone or Aktinidin (which helps to digest meat), mineral salts of potassium, phosphorus, calcium, chlorine, sulfur, magnesium, sodium, iron and others.

Health benefits of kiwi

The kiwi is called Eastern peoples “the fruit of health” due to the relatively high content of vitamins. Some call it “vitamin bomb” and the reason for this lies in the content of various valuable substances under the bark of green fruit – sugars, organic acids, pectin, phytoncides, vitamin D and most of all – Vitamin C.

The kiwi is very rich Vitamin C – contains more than any other citrus fruit and 8-10 times higher than in lemon amount. Should not be irrelevant and its content of potassium, calcium, cellulose, sodium, magnesium and iron. Everything listed here supposed healing qualities. It is recommended for exhaustion and weakness after suffering serious infectious diseases in physical and mental overload, for digestive problems and sluggish bowel. Juice is particularly useful as a prophylactic to increase body resistance to colds and infections.

That is why adoption is very suitable during the winter months when the body weakens as a whole. Kiwi helps in many diseases associated with bleeding, infectious diseases, colds, flu, pneumonia, anemia, infections. The fruit is very suitable for people who have undergone operations in which wounds difficult to heal or have severe bone fractures. Thanks to its ability to “burn” fat deposits in the arteries and thus reduces the risk of blood clots, the kiwi can contribute a lot in the fight against cardiovascular disease.

Due to the high content of vitamin C and valuable mineral composition, the kiwi is a powerful immune booster, powerful antioxidant enzyme cofactor necessary for the conduct of normal metabolic functions in the body with a role in the formation of collagen, ie the restoration of connective tissue.

Nutritional composition of kiwi fruit in 100 grams
Nutritional composition of kiwi fruit in 100 grams of this exotic fruit

In the form of drinks kiwi participate in any combination of dietary juices, fresh non-alcoholic cocktails with other fruits, alcoholic cocktails with vodka, bourbon, tequila, Campari, etc. In confectionery kiwi is used raw, since cooking changes the taste qualities and color. Preferably at decorating cakes, pancakes, fruit salads and more.

Some use it along with the lemon to decorate meat dishes and fish. In cooking it loses its qualities. It is therefore recommended to be served in a natural state. Then kiwi retains its color and all the freshness of taste. For lovers and salty, and sweet present for a recipe with kiwi. A good assistant during the diet. One of the biggest pluses of kiwi is that it is low-calorie.

We no qualms to treat foods with “negative calories” in which absorption body loses more calories than it receives. Kiwi fruit is excellent for those who follow a diet as it is low in calories and highly digestible by the body. For excellent dietary properties of the fruit contributes content Aktinidin enzyme, which is very favorable for the decomposition of the body digest meat, especially red.