![Nutritional benefits of chickpeas salad](https://healtheatingfood.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/09/benefits-of-chickpeas-Salad.jpg)
Nutritional benefits of chickpeas are many and varied. Chickpeas legume and is one of the oldest cultivated vegetables. It is part of the Indian, and Mediterranean cuisine of the Middle East. In the past, they also considered an aphrodisiac.
Chickpeas tasty legume rich in many nutrients. If you have not tried it, but after reading what benefits his health, surely you will want to add it to your menu. Chickpeas is a source of carbohydrates.
If you want to clean and big muscles, replace the rice and cereals in your diet with chickpeas. 1 cup of grapes contains 45 g carbohydrates slow and 12 grams of fiber.
Furthermore, a high fiber, chickpeas is quite contains vitamin B6, which is important for enhancing the production of serotonin. If you suffer from insomnia, add gram beans to soups, salads and main dishes.
A great source of protein comparable to meat and dairy products, but without the cholesterol and saturated fat. Vegetarians and vegans should include it in your diet.
1 cup provides about 27 percent of the daily protein need. Chickpeas do not contain all the amino acids necessary for good health, so combine with other sources – nuts, whole grains, milk, eggs or meat.
Like other legumes, chickpeas is rich in dietary fiber (soluble and insoluble).
![Nutritional properties of chickpeas](https://healtheatingfood.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/09/benefits-of-chickpeas.jpg)
Soluble fiber helps reduce cholesterol. Insoluble help with constipation and other digestive problems. 1 cup of chickpeas provides 1/3 of the daily recommended dose of fiber for men and half of it for women.
Like any food rich in fiber helps to control blood sugar levels. Chickpeas contains a significant amount of the mineral magnesium.
Magnesium plays an important role in energy production. It helps the body to cope with oxidative stress. 1 cup contains 1.7 mg of magnesium, approximately 94% of the daily intake for women and 74% men.
Good sources of folic acid – important for pregnant women. 1 cup chickpeas contains 70% of the recommended daily intake for adults.
Chickpeas is a food rich in iron. 100 g cooked chickpeas contains: 164 calories, 8.86 g protein, 2.59 g fat, 27.42 g carbohydrates, 7.6 g fiber, 2.89 mg iron, 48 mg of magnesium, 291 mg potassium, 172 mcg of folic acid and others.