Nutrients of green beans as a vitamin A and vitamin C. Green beans represents an annual plant, whose season is from June to the autumn months from August to October. Green beans are actually unripe fruit of beans representing pod and seeds hidden in it. It is extremely sensitive to cold plant, likes moisture and moderate sun.
Green beans is widespread Polish culture in our country, is grown in greenhouses, where it is harvested between April and December. Composition of green beans. Green beans is a very good source of vitamin A and vitamin C. A serving of green beans can supply your body 17% of the daily recommended dose of vitamin A and 20% of your needs for vitamin C.
In addition, this legume is rich in dietary fiber or fiber is poor in calories, it contains some doses of iron and potassium. Calories from fat entering the body from the green beans are only 1 kcal. In a full cup of green beans contains 2 grams of protein. Good to know that only green beans alone can not meet the nutritional needs of man.
He had better consumed as an accompaniment to a main dish or salad. This legume with a low sodium content and a very low content of saturated fat and cholesterol. It is also a good source of protein, thiamin, riboflavin, niacin, vitamin B6, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, copper, and a great source of vitamin K, folic acid and manganese.
The duration of storage of green beans is not large. Like most fresh vegetables, beans for 2 days may fade, losing its fresh green color and specks. Keep it for about 2-3 days in the lower box of the refrigerator in an appropriate envelope.

If you want to extend its durability, you can blanch in salted water, with the addition of a little bicarbonate of soda, its color will remain saturated. Then place it in a plastic box with a lid and freeze. To prepare beans for cooking, you must first clear it. With a knife cut the tips of both sides of the pod and rinse the beans.
In cooking green beans as a side dish and a popular addition to various salads, meat and fish. And us with bean cook stews, casseroles and sealing. Among the products and spices, green beans which blends well are savory, onion, garlic, smoked bacon, parsley, thyme and marjoram. Steamed with other vegetables, green beans perfect garnish.
Green beans is a dietary product because it contains very few calories and is rich in essential for human health vitamins and minerals. It is one of the products we regularly have to attend our table because it has the ability to strengthen the immune system and improves metabolism, thanks to its composition.
Green beans is a suitable food for people who suffer from diabetes. It also helps high blood pressure and urinary infections. Folk medicine recommends against these diseases to use a decoction of dried husks of green beans.
According to experts, raw green beans is inadvisable to eat raw, because it revealed the presence of toxic protein phases. Most of this protein is found in young-growing grains and then consumption may occur gastrointestinal disorders.