Nutrients in hazelnuts, calories and vitamins. The hazelnut is rich in nutrients; in calories (about 700) is superior to 2-3 times the bread, milk – 8 times, and also the chocolate. It is rich in vitamin B, B2, C, F.

B 100 grams of nuts contains: 618 mg of potassium, 354 mg phosphorus, 287 mg calcium, 46 mg of diamine, 9 mg of niacin and 4.1 mg of iron (more than fruit, vegetables and meat). Hazelnuts consist of a high percentage of protein (about 12%), carbohydrates (about 16%), fat (60%) – an extremely favorable ratio of the body.
In these nuts is oil, composed of oleic, stearic and palmitic acids that prevent the growth of blood cholesterol, protect against heart disease and are much needed by the growing organism. For this reason, hazelnuts should be a mandatory part of the food menu for children, youth and the elderly.
The presence of sodium and calcium in the product, a favorable effect on the blood vessel wall, maintains it elastic. Doctors recommend it to fight anemia, varicose veins, thrombophlebitis, trophic ulcers of the tibia other problems associated with the capillaries in the body. The hazelnut helps with reduced defenses, prostate adenoma.
Good to be used for the purification (including the liver). People with diabetes can also consume it, because the low amount of carbohydrates would not harm them. According to the findings of scientists in the composition of these nuts is high open paclitaxel anti-cancer agent, so their use for prophylaxis, you would only be beneficial.
The unique combination of vitamin E hazelnuts contributes to the growth and development of muscle mass consumption product. Contraindications. Adults with severe diabetes and chronic diseases of the liver, does not need to consume these nuts. The daily dose should not exceed 30-50 grams (for adults).

Hazelnuts are nuts of small hazel tree Corylus avellana. This tree is also known as hazel. Today there are over a hundred varieties and varieties of hazelnuts. Some of them are fruit of hazel tree, which is a particular kind of ordinary hazelnut. Lescott reaching three to five meters in height, has a thin stem and is very dense crown.
Hazelnuts are extremely rich in vitamin E, a potent antioxidant and folic acid, which is necessary for the formation of red blood cells. Hazelnuts almost no carbohydrates, and fat they are few. Therefore, according to nutritionists, they are extremely suitable for diets. Raw hazelnuts contain 5 3% water, and about 88% of fat hazelnuts are unsaturated.
Hazelnuts are rich in minerals, magnesium, copper, potassium and a good source of fiber. Contain pantothenic acid and vitamin C. The fat obtained from hazelnuts are more durable because the resist rancidity, have a pleasant taste and are easily absorbed by the body. They contain lipotropic agents (methionine, choline, lecithin), as well as unsaturated fatty acids.
They found significant amounts of iodine. In baked hazelnuts nutrition are lower. They contain 2.5% water, 649 kcal, 15 g protein, 60 g fat 8, 17, 6 g carbohydrates, cholesterol, 0, 4, 9 g of sugar, 9 g of 4 fibers.