Most useful foods for brain with advancing years in humans.. Food has a powerful effect on our brain. “However, we sometimes think that the brain is a separate system from the rest of our body,” says Diana Purvis Jaffin, director of the Institute of Brain Efficacy at Dallas University of Texas.
She and other scientists tend to correct this misconception, highlighting the growing research that shows that certain foods can help maintain mental acuity and prevent Alzheimer’s disease and other neurodegenerative diseases.
Now we will introduce you to 6 of the most useful foods for the brain.
Foods for brain
Rucola. A study found that people who take 1-2 servings of green leafy vegetables a day have cognitive abilities like an 11-year-old younger who does not take greenish. Among the greenery, the rucola is among the most nutritious. Contains useful compounds that increase blood flow to the brain by expanding the blood vessels (the rucola also lowers blood pressure).
Blueberries are the only fruits that can gain a special place in a healthy diet for the brain. Studies have shown that they can lower the risk of Alzheimer’s disease by up to 53%. Although all fruits are extremely useful, blueberries are especially rich in flavonoids and antioxidants that can protect the brain from oxidative stress and strengthen the brain cells. Take ½ cup of blueberries for the day.
Egg yolk. A very good reason to take yolks! Egg yolk is a rich source of choline, a vitamin B complex that increases the health of the brain.
“Choline is converted to acetylcholine, a neurotransmitter that supports your memory and allows brain cells to communicate more effectively,” McDaniel said. Studies have shown that increased choline intake is associated with improved cognitive function, including improved memory. Take 1 egg a day. Eggs are among the best foods for brain health.
Olive oil. Researchers from the Temple University have found that consuming extra virgin olive oil can improve memory and learning abilities, as well as reduce the formation of both Alzheimer’s markers (amyloid-beta plaques and neurofibrillary nodes).
Although the precise mechanism is unclear, the antioxidant lightener found in olive oil can play a very important role! Consume high quality organic olive oil, 1 tsp. per day.
Salmon is rich in so-important omega-3 fatty acids and docosahexaenoic acid – the most important fat contained in the brain. “Omega-3 helps reduce inflammation and oxidative stress in the brain that can play a role in the development of Alzheimer’s disease,” McDaniel said.
Nuts Supreme Food for the Brain.
It’s not a coincidence that walnuts resemble and have the form of a diminished version of the brain, healthy natural fats in walnuts are of great benefit to it. Walnuts have high levels of alpha-linolenic acid, omega-3 fatty acids. Research has shown that low intake of omega-3 may be associated with depression and cognitive degeneration.
Therefore, taking a handful of walnuts can keep the spirit regularly and keep the gray cells in good condition. Consume every day of this superfood and the results will soon be available! For our body to function properly, it needs balanced food, enough rest time and positive emotions. This also applies to brain cells, which are an integral part of our whole organism. Consume the listed foods best for brain health.