Miraculous tincture to stimulate brain activity improvement of mental activity. We all want to live longer! In order not to confront many different diseases, we offer you a miraculous tincture based on garlic.
It excels in atherosclerosis, reduced brain activity, age-related hearing loss, chronic fatigue and impaired bowel function.
After completing a full course of treatment with tincture, many people see a sharp increase in efficiency and mental activity, weight loss and overall wellbeing improvement.
Some claim that even their long-term depression even subsides, and this is related to the purification of blood vessels and the enhancement of brain activity.
For the preparation of the elixir, you will need 350 g of finely chopped garlic (not ground, crushed or planted), 500 ml of strong alcohol (brandy). Mix the garlic with alcohol in a glass pan with a lid and place it in a dark (no light source) place for 10 days.
After the specified amount of time, strain the garlic from the mixture through a sieve and leave the alcohol again in a dark place for a few days.
Miraculous tincture stimulates brain activity
Take the tincture with the following scheme:
– Day 1 – 1 drop of tincture in the morning, 2 drops at noon and 3 drops in the evening;
– Day 2 – In the morning start with 3 drops, 4 drops at noon and 5 drops in the evening;
Day 3 – Drink 5 drops in the morning, 6 drops in the afternoon, 7 drops in the evening;
– Day four – start in the morning with 7 drops, 8 drops of lunch and 9 drops for dinner;
– Day Five – Start with 10 drops in the morning, 11 drops at lunch and 12 drops in the evening;
– Sixth day of treatment includes 15 drops in the morning, 14 at noon and 13 in the evening. From this point on, each subsequent dose is reduced by 1 drop, while on the tenth day of treatment one drop is obtained;
– Day 11 – start daily intake of 25 drops of tincture dissolved in 1 tablespoon. fresh milk three times a day – morning, afternoon and evening (but accurately counted 25 drops). This goes on until the tincture is over.
Re-treatment is recommended after 5 years. Tincture is not recommended for people with high acidity of gastric juice, gastritis and stomach ulcers.