Preparation of homemade toothpaste with coconut and mint. Choice of toothpaste is not easy. The market has a large variety of herbal toothpaste, natural and organic, but their prices are much higher than the most popular.

Homemade toothpaste with coconut and mint
Preparation of homemade toothpaste with coconut and mint

If you prefer to know what was included in your toothpaste and love to experiment, will you share an idea and a recipe for homemade toothpaste.
Homemade toothpaste with coconut and mint
¼ cup coconut oil
5 tablespoons of baking soda
10-20 drops of essential oil of peppermint
Xylitol powder
Optional – black walnut powder or bentonite clay. Homemade toothpaste with coconut and mint. Melt coconut oil, if the degrees in the room is lower, and it is in a solid state (at body temperature coconut oil is liquefied) add baking soda and stir with a fork until a paste.

Then add the oil of peppermint drops and ½ tablespoon xylitol powder. Stir vigorously all ingredients and store in a jar, which is securely closed. Home toothpaste with coconut oil is used, by using a toothbrush take a small portion of the mixture, it is necessary that each family member has their own jar home with toothpaste. Another option is to use a spoon, which is skimmed off from to the toothpaste.

Preparation of homemade toothpaste with mint
How to make yourself homemade toothpaste with coconut and mint to have white and healthy teeth

You will decide which option is most appropriate for you. I love natural oils and use them continuously to improve the condition of the skin, to combat hair loss or to keep their hair thick and bulky to nourish the skin of the body and to prevent the appearance of stretch marks or cellulite.

Who loves stretch marks, cellulite, wrinkles and sparse hair? Some of my favorite oils are coconut oil, which is mainly used for the face, body and dry hair ends and avocado oil, which is wonderful in the fight against hair loss and dry scalp.