Health benefits of raw mango, a delicious fruit with many useful extras. Mango is an increasingly popular food and everyone is explaining its benefits – from being one of the most delicious fruits to the type of nutrients it provides. However, the often overlooked raw mango can be just as exciting in terms of taste as it is in terms of nutritional value and health. That’s why let’s eat mangoes!
Why should I eat raw mango
The king of fruits, as it is properly called, has powerful benefits in its raw form. It is excellent for overcoming the heat and heat to begin with. Both fruit and mango juice are great for health, as they contain huge amounts of vitamins A and C, calcium and iron. It is also a vital source of magnesium, which helps detoxify the body by extracting waste from it. Raw mango is also good for digestion and skin.
Fiber is essential for promoting a healthy digestive system and mango really supplies a lot of fiber to our body. Eating more fiber can do everything from maintaining a regular stomach to helping control blood sugar, lowering cholesterol – and can even help reduce the risk of heart disease. The benefits of mangoes do not end there. It can help reduce the risk of cancer. According to recent studies, including a little mango in the diet can help reduce the risk of some cancers and reduce inflammation in the body.
Sounds like a great excuse to eat more mangoes for us! Eating mangoes is a great way to improve your skin from the inside out, to look beautiful, fresh and toned. Mango contains vitamin C, which plays an important role in skin health and can even help reduce the signs of aging. Along with the high content of vitamin C and antioxidants, one serving of mango in one cup contains about 10% of our daily dose of vitamin A, which is another prerequisite for maintaining a healthy immune system.
How to eat raw mango
You can eat it raw, with just a little salt if needed. Raw mango juice is also an excellent summer drink. Raw mango can also be used in various Indian recipes such as pickles, dulce, curry and chutney. However, keep in mind that they should be consumed in moderation, because too many of these dishes can cause stomach upset. They should also be avoided immediately before bedtime. If you are pregnant, consult your doctor about how much raw mango is recommended to eat.
Mango composition
Mango is rich in sodium, beta carotene, B vitamins and vitamin E, vitamins C and provitamin A (beta-carotene). It contains calcium, iron, potassium, magnesium and copper and almost all minerals and vitamins that make it practically a “super fruit”. Mango is free of saturated fat and cholesterol. The antioxidants in mangoes are huge. Fruits are rich in phytochemicals with high antioxidant potential: carotenoids (alpha and beta-carotene, lutein), polyphenols (quercetin), flavonoids (kaempferol), gallic acid, tannins, ketahins, caffeic acid.
This fruit contains the xanthone derivative mangiferin, which is not common. Mangoes have a moderate glycemic index (56) and a low glycemic index (5). 81% of the fruit is water, as mango is quite rich in carbohydrates (94%), fat is 3%, and 3% protein. In a few words – mango is one of the most complete foods for a person, which provides him with everything he needs. Consumption of one mango covers the daily need for vital vitamin A.