Health benefits of mustard flour
Health benefits of mustard flour

Mustard flour is made from ground or crushed seeds of the mustard plant. This is a remedy that is very well known to folk medicine. Today it is less commonly used – and quite undeservedly, as it is very effective in certain conditions.

For example – mustard flour is used very successfully for the treatment of asthma and lung inflammation or diseases accompanied by cough.
At the same time it is a great tool for dealing with arthritis pain, joint inflammation, rheumatism and other diseases of the musculoskeletal system. Here’s how to use mustard recipe.

Applications of mustard flour

Mustard paw. One of the most common ways to use mustard flour is mustard poultice. It strongly stimulates blood circulation and has a strong warming effect.

Get gauze from the pharmacy that is large enough to cover the area where you will apply the paw. If you have a clean cotton cloth on hand, it can also work. On it you will apply a mixture prepared from mustard flour, white flour and lukewarm water.

The ratio of ingredients is different depending on how long you want the mustard paw to stay on the place you will treat.
Keep in mind that paws with a strong mixture can burn the skin and cause damage if left over. The paws usually remain on the skin for 20 to 30 minutes.

mustard seed
Mustard seed

To do this, use a ratio of mustard flour to white flour one to four – one part mustard beneficial ingredients flour and four parts white flour. This will make your paw efficient enough, but not too strong. It is also suitable for application on the chest, as it helps with coughs and quickly copes with colds.

Cover the part of the body you want to make a paw with gauze or cotton cloth. Then place the prepared mixture on top, cover with another piece of cloth and press well. Hold for a few minutes, starting to lift the end of the paw slightly periodically to check the condition of the skin.

Normally it turns pink or slightly red. But if it becomes too red or blistered – even before 20-30 minutes have elapsed, remove the paw immediately.

Mustard baths

They are also very effective and easy to prepare. About 200-250 grams of mustard flour, pre-mixed with warm water, are enough. Pour the prepared mixture into the tub, which you have already filled with warm water. Stay inside for no more than 20-30 minutes.

You can also take local baths – on the legs or arms for arthritis pain and joint disease. In this case, reduce the amount of mustard flour. Use 2-3 tablespoons of flour for a medium-sized basin of warm water.

Mustard compress

In half a liter of warm water soak for about 5 minutes a tablespoon of mustard flour, then strain through cheesecloth. Dip a cotton cloth or large gauze into the resulting liquid. Squeeze out excess fluid and place on the problem area. Keep like this for an hour or two at most. The compress is especially suitable for bronchitis.