The healing properties of quince are known in New Zealand, Greece, France, Argentina, and our lands. In canning receive quince place only in the twentieth century. The fruits of quince have some similarities in appearance to those of apples and pears, but compared to them, quince characteristic is formlessness and large sizes, reaching up, unlike the other two fruits. It is possible that the surface of a large, yellow-golden quince be covered with lint, but not necessarily. What more will surely know it and find among the abundance of the gifts of nature – this is her very inviting flavor that can not be mistaken.
Each variety quinces, without exception, has one, the difference is only in shades – from exotic tropical fruits, musk tempting to carrying our association of expensive perfume. And did you know that it is the astringent taste, characterized fruit is what treasure, making quince indispensable to our table? Specific feeling that it remains our tastebuds, well after we have eaten, mainly due to the tannin, which in reasonable quantities is an excellent antiseptic.
As a result of its perfect work, quince is a unique natural charm to combat health sinfektsii in nasopharynx, various inflammations and infections starting from the airways, through the gastrointestinal tract and reach the kidneys and urinary tract . Quince is a dream cure for a whole range of systems and organs, their prevention and treatment of existing and diagnoses. The fruit of quince contains a substantial amount of pectin, 1.55% cellulose, vitamin C, vitamin B3 (niacin), phosphorus, calcium, magnesium, sodium and, in smaller quantities, and copper, manganese, cobalt, vitamin A and iron.
It is known that the quince is likely to cause constipation, but the good news is that if its consumption combined with other fruits with strong laxative properties, such as kiwi and plums should not have known ailments that accompany self-acceptance of fetus .
It is assumed that helps in gastritis or cystitis, brewed as a decoction along with seeds. Self-cooked dried quince leaves, proven relieve cough and other respiratory problems. Potion calms and asthma attacks. Despite various statements, quince, and most plant foods, remains the most useful as a prophylactic in their raw, natural state, provided, of course, be used wisely and skillfully.
Contact with high degrees of cooking appliances, vitamin C, which is heat-labile vitamin is lost, and many other valuable substances. Quince can safely be used for making various juices and smoothies, or even grated fruit salad with the addition of pear, apple, plum, kiwi your choice. Not only will you be missing the taste of astringency, but will truly enjoy a delicious fruit salad. Left in place at low temperature from 6 to 8 degrees for about three months with high humidity, the astringent notes of quince almost completely disappeared and so it can easily be taken independently.
It would be better to give the attention it deserves healing qualities of DYULEVO seeds in particular.They contain vitamin B17, also known under the name laetril or amygdalin. This vitamin is most commonly found in berries, unlike cultivated that we consume. In them he was able to preserve, but in seeds. Laetrilat (complete organization cyan compound like vitamin B12 also has low toxicity and contains a cyano radical) has a unique anti-cancer properties.