Cucumbers are well known to the ancients more than 10,000 years. But the most delicious and healthy are young cucumbers. Unlike most vegetables, cucumbers are preferred before mature. Especially prized are 4-day pickles.
Healing properties of cucumber applied by antiquity.

Cucumbers are an excellent cosmetic for skin and hair

Healing properties of cucumber helps to detoxify  body
This vegetable is invaluable for patients suffering from gout, arthritis and rheumatism

Because of its many nutrients, this vegetable is used in the manufacture of cosmetic products for face and body. Consumption of cucumbers is also very useful for the skin because they contain hydrogen that soothes and softens. Cucumbers act favorably on the condition of the skin due to its high content of sulfur and silicon, improve hair growth. Hand skin smoothing and moisturizing, if it be necessary to peel cucumber. Furthermore cucumber cooled skin when irritated or superheated. Soothes skin and sunburn.

Healing properties of cucumber soothe rheumatic pains

The juice of cucumber and carrots work well with rheumatic disease as the cause of these diseases is the retention of uric acid in the body. If to this is added the juice and beet juice, the treatment processes are accelerated.
Cucumber juice anti-inflammatory effect on teeth and gums. Prevents unpleasant splitting of nails and prevents hair loss. If used for a person, it can be added and the juice of alfalfa, which boosts health processes.

Healing properties of cucumbers normalize blood pressure

The high potassium content makes cucumbers valuable high and low blood pressure. She normalized in both cases. Cucumbers help regulate digestion and absorption of fats and proteins. It is recommended to consume on gastritis with high acidity, as well as anemia, for helping the body to produce more red blood cells. Useful are very difficult exercise. Fresh cucumbers prevent fluid retention, because they help to release excess water from the body. Therefore, doctors recommend them to swellings in the last months of pregnancy. Cucumbers are recommended as useful food for the elderly, as well as metabolism.

Healing properties of cucumbers normalize blood pressure
juice of cucumber and carrots work well with rheumatic disease as the cause of these diseases is the retention of uric acid in the body

This vegetable is invaluable for patients suffering from gout, arthritis and rheumatism. Thanks to its high content of water, wash the cucumbers from the body and toxins toxic slag, which makes them useful in detoxification. For people with arthritis are particularly recommended because they contain substances destroy uric acid.

Healing properties of cucumber helps to detoxify the body

Decoction of overripe cucumbers recommended in jaundice and other liver diseases. Fresh cucumber juice removes burning sensation in stomach acid. It is very useful for people suffering from gastritis and ulcers. Also help in diseases of the lungs. Act beneficially on the urinary system, diseases of the stomach, as well as tapeworm.

Tampons with cucumber juice are used for eczema to eliminate inflammation and pain relief in frost and insect bites to soothe the pain in his eyes. Refresh tired eyes and bags under them fall as they are placed on circles of cucumber.
Finely grated grater and mix with honey, cucumber cure cough and takes the temperature. Cough recommended a few tablespoons of fresh cucumber juice, sweetened with 1 teaspoon honey. This fluid is also recommended for the treatment of chronic constipation, acts as a laxative.

Healing properties of cucumbers strengthen the nervous system

If every day for a month to drink a glass of cucumber juice can speed up the metabolism to purge black drob.Druga important property of cucumbers that strengthen the nervous system. The main thing is to use dark green cucumbers had to peel the bark, as they have more B vitamins cucumbers and a little known feature – support the healing of stubborn wounds. Dried and powdered cucumber can treat burns and other skin disorders, such as before it has to remove seeds. A flavor of fresh cucumber can free you from headaches, depression or insomnia. If the crust is not treated with the chemicals, it is not necessary to peel off. For more flavor, you can before you cut, slightly piercing with a fork.