Spicy fruit cake with dried fruits for breakfast.
Ingredients Necessary
Apricots – 100 g dried
figs – 100 g dried
prunes – 50 g dried
dates – 50
honey – 4 tablespoons
cognac – 2 tsp.
lemons – 1 pc.
flour – 1 h.
yeast – 20 g
fresh milk – 3 tablespoons
eggs – 1 pc.
butter – 3 tablespoons
almonds – 100g
salt – 1 pinch
chilli pepper – at the tip of the knif
Method of preparation on Fruit cake with dried fruit
Lemon is washed, grated bark and juice is drained. The dried fruits are cut into cubes and poured with a mixture of warmed honey with cognac, lemon peel and lemon juice. Leave to stay for 2 hours.
From the flour, yeast, 2 tablespoons of butter, egg, pepper and salt, mix the dough and leave for 30 minutes to rise.
Then add the dried fruit to the dough with the syrup, add the chopped almonds and mix everything.
Place the dough in a baking sheet and bake for 1 hour at 180 degrees. Prepare the cake with the rest of the oil. Another variation of dried fruit cake can be read in the next recipe. flour – 1 and 1/2 cup. for cake
eggs – 3 pcs.

Sodium bicarbonate – 1 tsp.
yoghurt – 1 h.
brown sugar – 1 h.
olive oil – 1/2 h.
raisins – 2 tablespoons
apricots – 1 handful, dried
blueberries – 1 handful, dried
rum – 1 tsp.
Method of preparation on dried fruit cake
In a deep dish, whisk the eggs and add sugar as well as yoghurt and soda.
Put the olive oil and the flour. Mix everything and add the rum and dried fruits / apricots cut in advance /.
The whole mixture is poured into a floured and greased form for a cake or other suitable baking tin. Bake pastry at moderate temperature.