Foods useful for the stomach have a direct impact on the entire digestive system. It is easy to identify when we eat too much or have dinner with something that is not in harmony with our digestive system, or we have taken too long a pause without eating anything.
It’s harder to note, but it’s easy to ignore those foods that leave us a pleasant feeling of ease and comfort and help our digestive processes flow smoothly. Dr. Oz identifies 3 foods that ensure a healthy stomach and good appetite.
1. Pears
They are a very good source of plant fibers (fiber) especially if they are consumed with bark. The fiber in a pear (about 4 grams) can help to reach the recommended dose of 20-30 grams of fiber needed daily. Pears contain a combination of different fibers.
Some serve to accumulate a mass needed to overcome intestinal disease; for others like pectin, it is believed to reduce blood pressure and control blood sugar (especially important for diabetics). Pears also contain sorbitol – sugar that attracts water to the intestines and further softens stools.
When consuming pears, the peristalsis of the intestine is enhanced and the body is cleansed regularly. Their role is also important in improving metabolism. Pears are also rich in cellulose, vitamin C, potassium. They do not contain sodium, fat, cholesterol. And in one serving there are only 100 calories.
2. Yoghurt
Yoghurt helps improve digestion, improves the immune system and removes bacterial infections. In the stomach shell there are useful bacteria known as probiotics. Yoghurt is an excellent and tasty external source of probiotics – beneficial microorganisms that live in the digestive tract and help remove any harmful microorganisms that can cause gastrointestinal and digestive problems.
These probiotics help in balanced digestion and strengthen the immune system. Active micro-organisms help to relieve some gastrointestinal problems such as lactose intolerance, constipation and diarrhea. And one more thing – yogurt is a good ally in the fight against excess pounds. Taking calcium through yogurt helps the body use fat. In this way, weight loss becomes much easier.
3. Ginger
This wonderful root is part of the family of a group of herbs that help to soothe the digestive tract. It can help digestion as well as relieve an upset stomach, nausea and vomiting. The other herbs in the family are cinnamon, sage and thyme.
In 100 g of ginger root are contained:
Energy: 80 calories;
Carbohydrates: 17g
Sugar: 1.7 g
Dietary fiber: 2 g
Fat: 0, 75 g
Protein: 2 g
Vitamins: thiamine B1-025 mg, riboflavin B2 – 0.034 mg, niacin B3 – 0.75 mg, pantothenic acid B5 – 0, 203 mg, pyridoxine B6 – 0.1 mg, folic acid B9-11 mg, ascorbic acid (vitamin C) – 5 mg
Minerals: calcium – 16 mg, magnesium – 43 mg, iron – 0.6 mg, manganese – 0, 229 mg, phosphorus – 34 mg, potassium – 415 mg, sodium – 13 mg, zinc – 0.34 mg.
Ginger tea accelerates the metabolic processes thanks to the essential oils it is very rich in. It is also used when overtaking nausea during travel, as well as in dealing with stomach upsets.