Foods to improve our mental abilities and how to feed our brains at any age. Choosing the right foods improves brain function. By using our brains to read and master new things, learn or develop computer skills, even solving crossword puzzles, we keep our brains fast and improve memory. Remember to eat organic foods. Also, drink plenty of water – it increases the alertness of the brain. Blueberries improve memory, balance and coordination.

Berries are rich in antioxidants that protect brain cells, slow the aging of the brain and promote the growth of healthy cells. Eat more blackberries, raspberries, strawberries, blackcurrants. Yellow, orange and green vegetables are rich in beta-carotene, which is a powerful antioxidant, a source of vitamin A. Dark green leafy vegetables and citrus fruits are full of vitamin C. Both vitamins are associated with improving memory and mind. Rich in beta-carotene and vitamin C are mangoes, melons, oranges, carrots, cauliflower, cabbage, broccoli.

Foods for a good memory
Foods for a good memory

Broccoli has vitamin K, which helps improve intelligence. Avocados are rich in vitamin E, good for the circulatory system and therefore – for the mind. Vegetables and fruits contain natural sugars that keep the brain awake. Pay special attention to raw nuts – all kinds, especially walnuts and almonds, feed the brain. They associate nuts with serotonin levels, which regulate sleep depression, memory and other processes. Foods rich in folic acid prevent degeneration of the brain and support the nervous system: okra, spinach, lentils, beans, cabbage, asparagus, sunflower seeds.

Foods for a good memory

Flaxseed and real organic chocolate are also black foods for the brain. Foods such as pumpkin, walnuts, kiwi are recommended for better concentration. For mental clarity and memory improvement – rosemary. To be more active – black tea, coffee, chocolate, but in moderation. For a good mood – bananas, dairy products, sesame seeds and pumpkin seeds. Fish (mackerel, trout, salmon, herring) is also important for the health of the brain and nervous system. Give enough energy to the brain.

One of the important factors for this is the right choice of food for the mind. Good memory also speaks of good brain health. Very often over the years there are gaps in memory, and sometimes there are side factors that burden the memory. In all cases, and regardless of age, there are ways to cope with memory loss, increase concentration and be able to effectively memorize learned information. This is done with the help of food and exercise for better memory.

Foods to improve our mental abilities

Not all people are aware that the food consumed daily has an impact not only on physical health, but can also improve memory. Products carry a number of nutrients that are important for the proper functioning of mental activity. Experts in the field recommend eating more bananas, watermelons, apricots and melons. Depending on the season, you can also emphasize leafy vegetables such as kale, spinach, as well as broccoli and pumpkin.

Foods to improve our mental abilities
Foods to improve our mental abilities

In order to function at full strength, the brain needs abundant amounts of fish products because of the omega-3 fatty acids they contain. These are found in walnuts, flaxseed, beans, pumpkin seeds. Green tea is a brain helper that enhances memory. It contains polyphenols that affect and increase a person’s memory and alertness. It is important to avoid eating processed foods as well as fatty foods. Good sleep, rest, walks, and with them physical activity are important for improving memory.

This increases the flow of oxygen to the brain and enhances its memory. Try to have fun in everyday life, spend more time with your loved ones, do your favorite activities. This is a kind of exercise for better memory. Small tricks that can be useful to improve memory are reading aloud and storytelling; try to understand the text, because that way you will be able to remember it easier and faster. For some people, writing is a way to deal with new information. It is important not to rush in the process of memorization. Don’t strain your brain because you’re not helping it that way. Discover your method – through more colors, music and more.