11 Foods that affect brain and are considered very healthy. Today, healthy eating is very modern and popular, so we think we can easily distinguish between harmful and healthy foods, but things are not so simple. Some seemingly healthy foods can have an unsuspected effect on the body, while others that we think are harmful help our brains to function properly. So today we present 12 foods that, unexpectedly for us, can negatively or positively affect our brain:

Foods that affect the brain
Foods that affect the brain give the necessary stimulus to function well to have a good memory.

White rice contains fast carbohydrates that help glucose molecules enter the blood quickly. After consuming white rice, blood sugar levels jump dramatically, which can have a negative effect on the brain and nervous system. Popcorn contains protein, phosphorus, iron, silicon and magnesium, which help the nervous system to function properly. And vitamin B helps us fight depression and stress.

Tuna contains a lot of mercury, and excessive amounts of mercury in the body can lead to memory problems. Fish also contains polychlorinated biphenyl – a synthetic chemical that affects hormones and disrupts the function of the nervous system. Lard contains rare arachidonic acid. It can be found in tissues and is an indispensable helper in maintaining normal brain function. This acid also helps with Alzheimer’s.

Dark chocolate contains flavonoids that activate brain cells. This favorite food of ours dilates blood vessels, stimulates brain function and supplies the brain with oxygen. Hard cheese contains tyramine, which is released during the breakdown of protein. Tyramine can raise blood pressure and cause migraines. Baked potatoes are rich in potassium, glucose, vitamin B and amino acids, which improve the blood supply to the brain, which in turn increases the flow of oxygen and therefore the brain receives all the energy it needs.

Beans contain tannic acid. If you overdo it with this acid, your body will have difficulty breaking down certain minerals such as iron. This can lead to problems with the blood supply to the brain. Curcumin, which is the main ingredient in curry, contains many antioxidants and slows down the aging of the brain. Antioxidants maintain the good state of cognitive functions, which usually deteriorate with age. Saffron contains many minerals, vitamin B and vitamin C. This supports the work of the brain and even relieves some diseases.

Cinnamon activates the brain because it contains these extremely important ingredients: cinnamyl alcohol and cinnamaldehyde. Even the very smell of cinnamon helps us solve problems that require increased attention, visual memory and quick reactions. Apparently the secret to the quick writing of all homework is milk with cinnamon.

Tyramine can raise blood pressure and cause migraines. Baked potatoes are rich in potassium, glucose, vitamin B and amino acids, which improve the blood supply to the brain, which in turn increases the flow of oxygen and therefore the brain receives all the energy it needs. Beans contain tannic acid. If you overdo it with this acid, your body will have difficulty breaking down certain minerals such as iron. This can lead to problems with the blood supply to the brain.

Curcumin, which is the main ingredient in curry, contains many antioxidants and slows down the aging of the brain. Antioxidants maintain the good state of cognitive functions, which usually deteriorate with age. Saffron contains many minerals, vitamin B and vitamin C. This supports the work of the brain and even relieves some diseases.

Cinnamon activates the brain because it contains these extremely important ingredients: cinnamyl alcohol and cinnamaldehyde. Even the very smell of cinnamon helps us solve problems that require increased attention, visual memory and quick reactions. Apparently the secret to the quick writing of all homework is milk with cinnamon.