Foods high in zinc, which provide the balance of trace elements in the human body. The easiest way to make sure you’re getting enough zinc is to go through the drugstore and grab the first pack of it, but is that the best option? It’s not, but to make sure you’re getting enough zinc and all the other vitamins and minerals, you need to pay close attention to your eating habits.

What is zinc

Zinc is a mineral that is loaded with great importance when it comes to the good condition of our body and is the second most common metal in the human body after iron. It is responsible for a huge number of functions, such as supporting cell division, strengthening our immune system and breaking down carbohydrates. It is also very responsible for the proper function of your sense of smell and taste.

Foods high in zinc
Foods high in zinc

Although zinc deficiency is a rare situation, there are certain cases, such as in pregnant or breastfeeding mothers, where it is very possible to look for foods containing zinc to make sure you are getting enough. It is important to note that your body does not absorb excess zinc, so you should continue to take it daily.

Foods high in zinc

In the following list you will find the products that contain the highest amount of zinc. You do not need to take all the amount you need in one meal. It is best to eat a variety of foods, including meat, seafood, grains, legumes, seeds, nuts, fruits, vegetables and dairy products. The fruits do not contain much zinc (avocados have the most, followed by blueberries), but still eat for a balanced diet.

If you eat a varied and balanced diet, you will probably get enough zinc, as well as other essential vitamins and minerals. Oysters Oysters are the best source of zinc from any food. One oyster contains 5.5 milligrams of zinc, so two oysters will provide your entire daily intake. But unless you eat oysters every day, which most people don’t, you’ll need to look elsewhere for extra intake.

Note that pregnant women are not recommended to consume raw seafood. Cooked oysters, whether grilled, fried or baked, are usually safe to eat. Meat Good news for meat lovers – if you eat a normal portion of beef, you get your full daily need for zinc right from it. The steak contains 14 milligrams of zinc or 129 percent of the recommended daily allowance. Other meats, such as lamb, pork and chicken (especially dark meat), range from 50 to 113 percent of daily portion needs.

beef meat high in zinc
Foods high in zinc, one of the important trace elements affecting metabolism.

Legumes Legumes such as beans, peas, chickpeas and lentils also have a relatively high zinc content. Although they do not contain as much zinc as red meat, some legumes, such as lentils and chickpeas, provide 2.5 milligrams or 23 percent of your daily needs in a serving of 1 cup. Tofu, which is made from soy, provides 4 milligrams or 36 percent of your daily needs. Keep in mind that legumes contain substances called phytates, which can reduce your body’s absorption of zinc, as well as other nutrients such as iron, magnesium and calcium.

In some cases, this effect can be reduced by soaking or germinating legumes before eating them. Whole grains Whole grains are another source of zinc. Oatmeal provides 3.1 milligrams or 27 percent of your daily needs in one serving (half a cup of raw oats). Spelled, amaranth, quinoa and wild rice also provide a significant amount – from 2 to 2. 8 milligrams or 18 to 25 percent of your daily needs. Whole grains are still good sources of zinc – especially if you distribute zinc intake throughout the day and from different foods.