Food sources of isoleucine, proteins are a very important element of human nutritional needs, and isoleucine is an alpha amino acid that is part of vegetable proteins. It belongs to the essential amino acids, because our body cannot synthesize it by itself and we take it only through food. Plants and microorganisms can produce it from pyruvic acid. Isoleucine is involved in building proteins in living organisms. It participates in the synthesis of tissues and is a source of energy in the work of the central nervous system.
How much isoleucine do we need daily
Therefore, our body constantly needs it. The necessary daily dose of isoleucine is obtained from 300-400 g of beef or poultry, beans and walnuts or from 800 g of buckwheat. In order to ensure the quantity, it is necessary to include in the menu as many foods with isoleucine containing this amino acid as possible.
When do we need isoleucine
The need for isoleucine increases with damage to tissues, muscles or internal organs, with a disorder of the nervous system, with hypoglycemia, with a chronic lack of appetite. The need for it decreases with a disturbance in the work of the intestinal tract, increased intake of proteins, diseases of the liver and kidneys or with intolerance to the amino acid. In order to absorb isoleucine well, the liver and kidneys must be healthy. There should also be a good intake of valine and leucine, which are companion amino acids.
Why do we need to have an amino acid available in the body
It is necessary because it regulates blood sugar, provides stable energy, deals with the synthesis of hemoglobin, restores muscles, increases the strength of the body, helps to heal wounds quickly, and regulates cholesterol.
Which foods should we get isoleucine with
The food sources of isoleucine are not few, so a varied menu is a guarantee that the body will get the necessary amounts.
- These are:
- – nuts such as cashews, almonds;
- – meats such as poultry, pork and beef;
- – the liver;
- – sea fish;
- – hens and quail eggs;
- – the lens;
- – soy;
- – buckwheat;
- – the milk.
Supplying enough isoleucine with food will affect not only the health of the body, but also its beauty. Elastic skin, high tone and radiant appearance means that the body has received enough isoleucine and radiates health. If you regularly have buckwheat porridge for breakfast, love lentil stew or rustic liver, then you should not worry that you will be deficient in isoleucine.