Five important vitamins to prevent osteoporosis, a disease that happens when bones become porous and lose mineral density. When this happens, the bones become brittle, brittle and highly prone to fractures.
There are many common causes of osteoporosis. It may be a side effect of taking non-steroidal or anti-coagulant drugs. You are at high risk of osteoporosis if you are a heavy smoker or drink too much coffee or alcohol.
Balanced diet and regular exercise
Balanced diet and regular exercise can help prevent osteoporosis. Older people and special high-risk groups may have to take extra supplements to be safe. In the top gallery, look at the five most effective supplements for preventing and treating osteoporosis.
Vitamin D. Calcium accumulation requires vitamin D.
Although your body can synthesize its own vitamin D, this process requires adequate exposure to sunlight and is usually not enough to satisfy the body’s need. Vitamin D is available as part of multivitamin pills.

Calcium deficiency is a direct cause of osteoporosis. Although there is calcium in many foods, its deficiency may be due to drugs, hormonal and other chemical inhibitors that prevent the effective absorption of calcium.
You need at least 1000 mg of calcium every day to ensure proper bone development. Postmenopausal women are at a serious risk of osteoporosis, so supplemental calcium is critical to preventing bone loss.
Vitamin C
Calcium absorption is more effective in acidic environments. Studies have shown that vitamin C can promote calcium absorption. Consuming a lot of fresh fruits and vegetables is the easiest way to ensure vitamin C is sufficient.

Phosphates. Phosphorus is the other major mineral component of your bones and tooth structures. Phosphorus is ionized in phosphates and forms bone mineral when combined with calcium. Food sources of phosphorus include all fruits and vegetables grown in phosphorus-rich soils. Enriched cereals, dairy and cereal products are also excellent sources of this calcium phosphate.
Estrogens. Estrogen can significantly affect the risk of calcium deficiency and osteoporosis. Stopping estrogen production in postmenopausal women and women undergoing breast cancer treatment is the main reason why they are highly susceptible to this disease.