Eggs protect against diabetes, but be careful in the amount, because excessive consumption of eggs is not recommended.
Until recently it was believed that eggs are very harmful for people with diabetes because they have high cholesterol.
Scientists from the University of Eastern Finland found that eating four eggs a week lowered targets twice the risk of developing diabetes type 2.
The study involved 2000 volunteers who were followed for 30 years. 430 of them developed diabetes Type II.
It turned out that in those who eat 4 eggs per week, the risk of developing the disease decreased by 37% compared to those who eat only 1.
This relationship is maintained even after taking into account factors such as physical activity, weight, smoking, consumption of fruit and vegetables.
Eggs reduce the risk of developing type 2 diabetes, when eaten regularly.
The American Diabetic Association states that should limit the intake of eggs to 3 times a week, but this recommendation has much more to do with the total amount of fat than the concentration of cholesterol in the product.
It is important how you consume eggs, due to high content of fat is good for them to be taken together with vegetables.
Recall that, according to another study namely chicken products contribute to the development of diabetes.
Finnish researchers, however, are opposed to such a thesis and argue that in the case of this influence of other factors such as excessive consumption of fatty meat, smoking and lack of exercise.
According to Finnish researchers, eggs contain many useful trace elements that reduce inflammation often associated with diabetes.