[schema type=”product” url=”https://healtheatingfood.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/06/Eggs-for-breakfast-nutritious-food.jpg” name=”Eggs for breakfast” description=”Eggs for breakfast wholesome food reduces the amount of calories used, no damage to health by reducing the risk of stroke and heart attack in women” single_rating=”4″ agg_rating=”5″ price=”$2.70″ condition=”Used” ]

Eggs for breakfast complete food, one of the most nutritious foods, the egg turns out to be the focus of a US study. Scientists have found that people who suffer from obesity can lose weight twice as fast if you combine a low calorie diet (up to 800 calories per day) with the consumption of eggs for breakfast. The experiment involved 152 volunteers – men and women aged 25 to 60 years are overweight or with varying degrees of obesity. Participants in the experiment were divided into 4 groups.

Eggs for breakfast complete food
Eggs for breakfast wholesome food reduces the amount of calories used, no damage to health by reducing the risk of stroke and heart attack in women

Two of the groups were placed on a diet reduced in calories. One group received a breakfast eggs, and the other – the donuts that were with the same calorie content as eggs.

The other two groups were fed with a diet, but also consumed breakfast eggs. After 8 weeks of the experiment people from the group combine diet with eggs for breakfast, they have dropped by 65% ​​more kilograms of representatives of the second group a diet who ate donuts.

Moreover, there has been no significant difference between the two other groups, the members of which are not limiting their food. “Eating eggs for breakfast helps weight loss combined with a low calorie diet and does not affect the mass of the body in the absence of diet.”

If your breakfast includes eggs, this will satiate for long and will help you control your appetite for the rest of the day, take in fewer calories.

Eggs for breakfast nutritious food
Eggs for breakfast complete food, one of the most nutritious foods

This is the opinion of a group of specialists in nutrition from the University of Connecticut. For over a year they studied how influence appetite are two types of snacks: rich egg whites and one in which prevail carbohydrates. “Although almost identical calorie breakfast of eggs reduces the amount of calories used for 24 hours after feeding, it decreases the hunger is missing for more than three hours”, according to nutritionists, cited by the BBC.

Results from previous studies have also shown that eggs for breakfast helps to faster weight loss (up to 65%!) And maintaining optimal energy throughout the day. Experts found no significant differences in the concentration of cholesterol and triglycerides in the blood. Scientists from the University of Kansas studied the effect of breakfast consisting of eggs on the appetite of children and found that they, as well as in adults, the effect is the same.

More nutritionists now believe that a greater quantity of eggs on the menu is not harmful to health because, contrary to the old belief does not lead to a rise in the level of lipids and cholesterol in the blood and thus will increase the risk of cardiovascular disorders. Even if there is evidence that men who eat a week from 1 to 6 eggs, live longer and for women is reduced risk of stroke. In an average large egg has about 70 calories, it contains 13 vitamins and minerals, including choline, high-quality protein and antioxidants.