Cook whole carrots to save valuable vitamins! Study at the University of New Castle proves that carrots contained 25% more properties that help in the fight and prevention against cancer when they are cooked whole and only then are cut.
Carrots are generally known that contain essential nutrients such as fiber, beta-carotene and a plurality of vitamins. And previous research has also been out with the idea that this vegetable contains a substance that significantly reduces the risk of developing tumors in the human body.
But until now no one had paid attention to what keeps you falkarinolat in heat treatment. It turns out that as in most food products, as here, the useful properties of vegetable significantly reduced during cooking.
The study unless they were investigated thoroughly carrots before and after cooking, and whether they have been cut during cooking or not, also participated and 100 people who had to have their say on taste. Approximately 80% of respondents prefer the taste of carrots that were cooked purposes.
cooked carrots
Scientists believe that as falkarinolat and the natural sugar in carrots passes more intensely through the membrane of the cells when weakened because of the heat.

The larger is the area of the carrot, which is in direct contact with the water, the less amount remains so valuable phytochemical and all other beneficial vitamins.
There is nothing more delicious and useful than raw fruit and vegetables and if you still have decided to undergo heat treatment, it better do it the right way.
There is nothing complicated – the only thing likely to need is a large pot to make you more comfortable.
From there you have the freedom to cook or bake your way you know and love. You will feel however that there is a difference in the outcome.