Contents of micronutrient in various products and their importance for metabolism. In the body is a narrow relationship between metabolism, water and electrolyte.

Contents of micronutrient in various products
Contents of micronutrient in various products and their importance for metabolism

Potassium and sodium have adverse effects on water sharing. Potassium has a drainage and water retention sodium effect. Potassium-rich food increases the excretion of water with dissolved in it harmful saline surplus metabolism. Potassium is excreted from the body sodium, potassium and sodium retained and preserved products of metabolism.

The best ratio of sodium to potassium is 1: 20. The amendment of this ratio in favor of sodium leads to difficulties of cellular respiration, weakening the defenses and slow down the creative process. The amendment in favor of potassium accelerate life processes and improve health. Most sodium is found in tomatoes, peas, ovesaenite nuts, currants, peaches and potatoes, and most potassium peas, potatoes, cherries, currants, peaches, tomatoes, apples. Best is their proportion in peas, potatoes, cherries, cucumbers, peaches and apricots. Hour necessity of both elements is 3 to 5 grams. and is mainly found in fruit, vegetables and dairy products.

Magnesium by volume is about 25 g. And is a component of differentiated tissues – brain, thymus, adrenals and gonads, red blood cells. Its core is the concentration in the cells. Needs magnesium proportionate calcium. Magnesium causes loosening of muscle and dilation of blood vessels, stimulation of bowel and increased excretion of bile. A deficiency in the kidneys causing degenerative changes, as well as an increase in calcium in the blood vessels, making them stiff and brittle. Most magnesium is found in peanuts, beans, peas, nuts, soy, whole grains and green leafy vegetables. Manganese is an essential trace element deficiency that leads to arrhythmia, tachycardia (rapid satsebiene), dizziness, tenderness to weather changes, fatigue, insomnia, nightmares, and drowsiness in the morning, which is explained with morning copious release of hormones by the adrenal glands cheerfulness. A deficiency of manganese shifting tide of alertness on the part of these glands evening.

Contents of trace elements in different products
Contents of micronutrient in various products composed under the laws of macrobiotics, contains all the necessary ingredients for a healthy body

A deficiency of manganese explains improper division of people into two types – “Owl” and “crane” in some “scientific” papers. Hour needs of the body is 400 mg. With high content of manganese distinguished green leafy crops because chlorophyll he played the role played by iron in hemoglobin. Sulfur is necessary structural component of some amino acids, and also enters the structure and participate in the formation of insulin. The need is about 1 gram. a day. It is found mainly in animal products, where absorbed difficult. It can safely be obtained from plant foods. Chlorine regulate osmotic pressure in the cells and tissues, the water exchange and the formation of hydrochloric acid in the gastric glands.

The need for chlorine satisfied completely from vegetable and fruit food. Trace elements are extensive group of organic chemicals present in the body in very small quantities. It is studied and physiological role of the 76 elements of Mendeleyev’s table. Learning of others continues. Microelements accumulate selectively in various organs – zinc in gender and pancreas and pituitary; copper – in the liver; nickel – in the pancreas; iodine – in the thyroid gland; lithium – in the lungs; strontium – bone; chromium and manganese – in the pituitary.

The main source of trace elements for humans is represented by organic compounds synthesized in plants, such as current data in all plants contained on average 21 to 23 units, with 20 of them are found in any plant, but in a different ratio. This means that to fill our needs is enough to eat tsyalogodishno about 50-60 plants. We actually have over 100. Extremely rich in trace elements is especially honey and bee pollen. 24 trace elements contained in the blood 22 are present in bee pollen.
Vanadium – in small quantities in all animal products.
IRON – in the liver, meat, eggs, legumes, bread, bulgur, spinach, beetroot, pomegranate.
Note: when anemia iron products not digested. It is necessary to take drugs that contain it.
Iodine – in water, air, laminaria algae, milk, pulses, iodized table salt.
CALCIUM – milk, potatoes, legumes, beans, meat.
SILICON – in laminaria seaweed and other algae in marine sponges, cereals, sharp-ball, palm, horsetail, kidneys and pancreas of animals.
SODIUM – in salt; in all plants.
Selenium – in legumes, acacia, aquatic plants, molluscs and rachetata, mushrooms.
SULPHUR – in marine and terrestrial plants, curd, vitamin A, cartilage and bones.