Category: Advice

useful Advice

Useful properties of coconut oil

Coconut oil stretch marks, infections, skin patches. Coconut oil for moisturizing the skin and acne. Coconut oil has antimicrobial, antifungal and antibacterial activity, so that not only help fight acne,…

Food expiration date

What you can eat and what is dangerous? Meat expiration date is dangerous to health. Discard meat and ice cream if they are expired, the fish is not a problem,…

Diet for a Healthy Heart

Here’s a suggestion for our recommended diet for a healthy heart. 76% of coronary heart risk may be reduced with a proper diet. Eat fish four times a week, providing…

Laughter heals good mood

Laughter heals many diseases and not only brings cheer, but also is beneficial to the human body. In recent decades, scientists have studied the effects of laughter on the human…