Cassava beneficial ingredients or Manihot esculenta known as one of the five most important sources of carbohydrates for humanity. The reasons for this are many, but the most important is that the plant survives only in tropical climates and transport costs are probably unprofitable high, given that the country thrive wheat, maize and potatoes, and in some places even rice.
If you’re still intrigued by the massive dark brown roots, grab one and you can enjoy a nice variety on the menu. In the store manioc roots are sold coated with a waxy substance to predovrati drying. At home you do not need wax to separate, because before you cook manioc have to peel. This is most easily done with a large sharp knife, but can also be used vegetable peeler as long as it is healthy.
Peeled cassava is white in color and very quickly oxidizes and darkens, so if you do not cook immediately, put it into a container with cold water, so there is no contact with air. Manioc is generally used as a potato – boiled, mashed, baked, fried. And never raw, because it contains some amount of toxic cyanide, which, when the heat treatment is destroyed completely.
Originally from South America and there domesticated 10,000 years ago, cassava is an important part of the kitchen on the continent and in the Caribbean and Central America. It is cooked breads as Jamaican BAMI – flat bread and fresh grated cassava. Other breads are made from tapioca flour. Fried cassava is almost as popular side dish as fried green bananas and a variety of stews and soups complement latinodietata.
In tropical Africa cassava proposals are similar to the US, even as there is a variant of the Brazilian farofa – baked or fried flour from the roots, which is eaten alone or with rice, meat, beans. Asians usually look manioc as more inferior alternative to rice, but masterfully developed transform it into desserts. One of the most valued products derived from the roots, starch known as tapioca. It is a byproduct of the production of manioc flour and is extracted from the liquid that is drained is at the pressing of grated roots. The most popular form in which it is sold, are called. beads.
The fine balls are used in a variety of soups and stews to thicken them, but most are made of pudding, with boiled milk or coconut milk. In the UK, tapioca pudding is one of the most hated school desserts and is often called frog eggs because translucent after boiling starch spheres. However, during this century tapioca its way to fine dining and sophisticated versions of the hated pudding can try some excellent restaurants.
Tapioca is gaining popularity as an ingredient of Taiwanese drink bubble tea, which is svrahpopulyarna in Southeast Asia, Australia and North America, is seeking its European chance. Bubble tea is tea with milk and fruit syrup that is mixed with boiled tapioca balls. The drink is served with a wide straw so that tapioca can be sucked and then to chew.