Broccoli help us against chronic diseases natural way to deal with health problems. Superbrokoli is an exclusive vegetable.
Many people look skeptically at him because he is very familiar and naturally do not use it in their recipes.
But this is a huge loss because the vegetables helps to combat many chronic diseases ranging from type 2 diabetes and lead to heart disease.
A number of researchers have found that the consumption of vegetables containing larger quantities of the beneficial health compound glyukorafanin, regulate cellular processes, which can cause deadly diseases.
Super broccoli salad
Superbrokolito, strange as this might sound, can help in the fight against obesity and cancer. Scientists from the Institute of Food Research in Norwich create a special kind Beneforte.
A recent study published in the journal American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, explain how Supebrokolito against serious chronic diseases and how to improve the metabolism of a person. The study reveals efekta of superzelenchuka on human metabolism, says Professor Richard myth of the Institute of Food Research.

The study is the latest confirming the benefits of regular inclusion in the diet of cruciferous vegetables for good health and prevention of chronic diseases – complements and famous Dietetic Catherine Collins and shares that in its menu weekly superbrokoli attend at least once and advises people to start apply it in their recipes, but very long process, and steam cooked is the most useful. I suggest you a recipe for diabetics, for which you need: superbrokoli of flowers – 800 g garlic – 2-3 cloves, olive oil.
Broccoli to the pan
Preparation: In a nonstick skillet with a lid pour of olive oil. The bottom of the pan should be covered with fat, add garlic and sautéing 2-3 minutes until soft. Add broccoli as cover with the lid and reduce the temperature of the heat. Sauté about 5 minutes until soft.
Removing from heat, cover and leave to the side for about 3 minutes, the vegetables should become light green and crunchy. Remove garlic and serve as desired with bacon or other meat.