Benefits of linoleic acid, one of the essential fatty acids very important for maintaining health, but the human body cannot produce them. One of them is the omega-6 fatty acid, the most common form of which is linoleic acid. The supply for the body is made with food or as a supplement. Benefits of CLA or Conjugated Linoleic Acid Conjugated linoleic acid is important for the growth of hair and skin for the good health of the bone system, it regulates metabolic processes and supports the reproductive system.
The benefits of linoleic acid are multifaceted
– Relieves nerve pain – if linoleic acid is taken regularly, it reduces pain in diabetics suffering from diabetic neuropathy;
– Helps with inflammatory processes – most chronic diseases – cancer, vascular, diabetes are of a strong inflammatory nature. Therefore, diet and disease are closely related. Healthy bones such as linoleic acid have a beneficial effect on disease processes. It helps very well with autoimmune diseases as a reducing factor for pain.
Omega-6 is also a prevention against many diseases; – Relieves rheumatoid arthritis – evening primrose oil contains 7 to 10% linoleic acid per 100 grams of raw material. It reduces pain, swelling and morning stiffness.
The effect of using omega-6 is noticeable after 6 months of regular intake;
– Helps with attention deficit and hyperactivity – symptoms decrease almost by half after using the acid for at least half a year;
– Lowers high blood pressure – in combination with omega-fatty acid, linoleic acid permanently lowers high blood pressure with long-term use;
– Reduces the risk of heart disease – if omega-6 is included in the diet, the risk of coronary heart disease is significantly reduced.
– Supports bone health – in case of problems or diseases of the bone system, omega-6 is a good idea to maintain bone health Foods with linoleic acid The best sources of linoleic acid are many food products, which allows a choice for the personal nutritional diet.
Nuts, seeds, tender pork, beef, chicken, butter and eggs can be used, with the richest being sunflower and grape seed butter, walnuts, sesame, pumpkin seeds and tender meats.